FURUNO-ECDIS-Multiple-Choice-Test-古野电子海图题库测试题 .docx,文档 1. Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS? ( B ) a. I can play back my ship’s past track on the ECDIS b. I can record my position manually on the RNCs. c. I can create
• Each option should be grammatically correct when placed in the stem, except of course in the case of specific grammar test items. Heaton: P29 General principles • All multiple-choice items should be at a level appropriate to the linguistic ability of the testees. The context...
FURUNO ECDIS Multiple Choice Test 古野电子海图题库测试题1 - 试题.docx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 rvationsenteredbytheoperator.c.ThefiltercontinuousttingtheECDIScreatetheobjectautomatically。c.Yes rvationsenteredbytheoperator.c.Thefiltercontinuous ...
1. Wichopertion can you perorm on theFURUO EDIS B . Ican play ack my sips past track on theECDISb I n recod mypsiionmnua
MS Word MCQs with AnswersMS Word MCQs: This section contains Microsoft Word Multiple-Choice Questions with Answers. These MS Word MCQs are written for beginners as well as advanced, practice these MCQs to enhance and test the knowledge of MS Word....
In the video below, we walk you through creating a simple 50-question multiple choice test answer sheet in Microsoft Word®. Word is a very flexible and easy-to-use solution for creating forms for Remark Office OMR. We offer several fonts to assist with your form creat...
Basic sight word recognitionNOTE: If the question contains an image, clicking on it will enlarge it for easier viewing. If there is a "More Info" link after the question, clicking it will display additional content related to the question....
FURUNO ECDIS Multiple Choice Test 古野电子海图题库测试题2 - 试题 热度: 1.WhichoperationcanyouperformontheFURUNOECDIS?(B) a.Icanplaybackmyship’spasttrackontheECDIS b.IcanrecordmypositionmanuallyontheRNCs. c.IcancreateNotesfrommyVoyageLogtodocumentavoyageonthecharts. ...
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(完整版)FURUNOECDISMultipleChoiceTest古野电子海图题库测试题 1. Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS? ( B ) a. I can play back my ship’s past track on the ECDIS b. I can record my position manually on the RNCs. c. I can create Notes from my Voyage Log to ...