Bonferroni point: how significant the best spurious variable should be based on chance alone Stepwise regression is a method of regression modeling in which the choice of predictive variables is carried out by an automatic procedure. Usually, this takes the form of a sequence of FF-tests; howev...
The choice oflogistic regression(LR) is supported by its simplicity and common use for text classification [60]. Depending on the features, LR can obtain good results in online hate detection with low model complexity [76]. As such, including LR when comparing different models seems rational. ...
The Commission is the Organ Implementing MIPAA (Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing) (See Report of the Second World Assembly on Ageing, 1–43, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.197/9, U.N. Sales No. E.02.IV.4 (2002) (outlining the Madrid Plan)). (SeeU.N. World Assembly on Ageing,...
Therefore, theta parameterization seems like the ideal choice. Question 1A. Am I correct? Question 1B. Is there something else I am not considering? Question 1C. Is it okay to use the model with SCR2_34 and SCR2_36 fixed to .9 as the baseline model (step 1) for Delta parameterization...
Therefore, it was proven that the Serbian FIS can be reliably used as the clinical instrument of choice for the assessment and measurement of all three dimensions of fatigue and its impact on functionality in the target population of Serbian speaking patients with RRMS, regardless of their back...