There is a fairly small empirical literature regarding the use of input control by the buyer in agricultural contracts. Within this literature, the four articles which address questions most closely related to our analysis areKnoeber and Thurman (1995),Martin (1997),Thomsen et al. (2004), andG...
(i) not relevant to German agriculture or (ii) related to activities after harvest (i.e. food/feed storage, transport or processing), (iii) did not focus on agricultural production, sustainable agriculture or at least one of the four environmental domains of the study, or (iv) did not ...
In doing so, we aim to answer critical questions: What impact do environmental policies have on environmental improvements? How do environmental improvements translate into social benefits? What are the negative impacts resulting from environmental pressures? And, which areas require the most focus for...
Based on this gap, this research has two research questions that need to be answered, namely: are the existing CSA practices mutually interdependent or not? What determines farmers adoption decisions of CSA practices in the study area? Thus, the objective of this study is to identify adoption ...
Climate shocks to food systems have been thoroughly researched in terms of food security and supply chain management. However, sparse research exists on th
In general, the choice of function should be based on the complexity of the trait trajectory. Even if several methods have been proposed, most of the approaches are limited to single or two-QTL model. Exceptions to this include the methods of Yang and Xu (2007), Min et al., 2011, and...
Java Programming MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) Here are 1000 MCQs on Java Programming (Chapterwise). 1. Who invented Java Programming? a) Guido van Rossum b) James Gosling c) Dennis Ritchie d) Bjarne Stroustrup View Answer 2. Which statement is true about Java?
The project team should document its search methodology in order to be transparent and to be able to justify their use of a search term or the choice of resources. Enough detail should be provided to allow the search to be replicated including the name of the database, the interface, the ...
We sought to answer these research questions by relying on a longitudinal and exploratory qualitative study, using both primary (semi-structured interviews) and secondary data sources (archival data, news, media, third-party material). Based on this approach, we investigated the temporal unfolding an...
“I have tried many other fine programs, but Navicat is by far the best. Ease of use and the list of features make it my choice for MylL administration.”“Customer support for Navicat is very good. My email questions were quickly and accurately answered.” Jeff Tucker Director of Engineeri...