A multiplayer mod for Subnautica Below Zero ! Please do not forget to modify these before using: -"Directory.Build.props" at the root of the mod, replace the path by your subnautica path. -ip address to host the server in config.json file Please install .NET Framework 4.7.2 and set it...
Sep 24, 2023 README GPL-3.0 license Subnautica Nitrox An open-source, multiplayer modification for the gameSubnautica. FAQ What is the current status? The mod is in the very early stages of development; however, a solid foundation has been laid for the community to iterate on. The following...
Modders Bring Multiplayer to Subnautica By most accounts, Subnautica is a fantastic game, and it's currently free on the Epic Games Store. But out of the box, it's strictly a singleplayer experience, meaning players are out of luck if they wish to play with a friend. But earlier this ...
Everything’s better down where it’s wetter Subnautica has been wildly popular since it’s official launch earlier this year and its early access before it. In it, the player the sole survivor of a crash which leaves them stranded on the ocean-planet the game takes place on. Right from ...
Below Zero is an epic sequel to the Subnautica series. It has wonderfully developed physics, and the fact that Marguerit is back is a little stupid but still epic. However, the standalone expansion players are expecting a multiplayer mode. As of now, there is no official online multiplayer ...