On the smaller scales, the shape of the phase boundary may be modeled in detail; for example, the shape of the gas-liquid interface between a gas bubble and a liquid. Such models may be referred to as separated multiphase flow models in the COMSOL® software. Methods used to describe su...
Two-phase laminar flow and turbulent flow problems may be modeled in COMSOL MP by using the level-set method. For laminar flow problems, we discuss how to extend this capability to problems with more than two fluids. We also introduce an alternate method of solving multiphase flow problems ...
Your Discussion has gone 30 days without a reply. If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for help. If you do not hold an on-subscription license, you may find an answer in another Discussion or in the Knowledg...
This was done by running multiphysics simulations in COMSOL to evaluate the macroscopic flow of liposomes and suspended MNPs via a multiphase mixture model. Moreover, we estimated the corresponding interaction using a chemical reaction model based on embedding the Michaelis鈥揗enten equation within the...
COMSOL Multiphysics®具有全面的多相流仿真功能,可以帮助工程人员模拟从芯片实验室设备(界面追踪)到大规模水处理过程(分散多相流)等各种应用场景。软件还提供了多相流与其他物理现象的耦合仿真功能,例如流固耦合、电动流和反应流等。 观看本视频,您将了解 COMSOL®软件中多相流仿真的相关功能,视频还基于案例来...
Multiphase flow is ubiquitous in nature, industry and research, and accurate flow imaging is critical to understanding this complex phenomenon. Electrical tomography (ET) is a promising technique for multiphase flow visualization and characterization which provides a non-invasive and non-radiative way to...
We have developed a reactor‐engineering model for red wine fermentations that includes the fundamentals of fermentation kinetics, heat transfer, diffusion, and compressible fluid flow. To develop the heat transfer component of the model, the heat transfer properties of grapes were experimentally ...
1D models are intrinsically not able to predict physical phenomena such as buoyancy, droplet deformation, relative gas motion and internal circulation, which are always present in real conditions. In particular, the external flow field (both induced and forced) around the droplet strongly modifies ...
The radiative transfer equation (RTE) and its diffusion approximation were used for modeling light transmission through multiphase flow medium. The primary objective of this thesis is to implement RTE for various single and multiple bubble situations as part of an effort to imitate gas bubbles in a...
that the mass is never conserved. I tried all ways, but no success. This is a very common problem and is reported several times on this forum. By the way, Fluent is much better in this and you get a perfect solution, as it employes VOF method-presently not available in COMSOL. ...