创建一个ssh key cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub复制 multipass shell ubuntu vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 把上面复制的key 追加到后面, 保存 上面visualbox 默认映射了端口55275到Ubuntu的22端口, 我们则:ssh ubuntu@localhost -p 55275即可
从Windows Terminal中连接Ubuntu 先确保安装sshd软件 sudo apt-get install openssh-server 查找它的ip ip a 在Windows Terminal中,输入如下命令 ssh$targetUserName@$targetIp 例如: ssh taylorshi@ 第一次连接会提示你是否允许,我们回答yes即可,输入对应用户的密码,只要授权正常,差不多就可以连接上了...
Multipass is an excellent tool for running Ubuntu on macOS or Windows laptops. Out of the box it does not enable passwordless SSH access to the Ubuntu instance, and instead you use themultipass shellcommand. Sometimes you need passwordless SSH access, however. In my case I want to experiment ...
<key>Label</key> <string>com.canonical.multipassd</string> <key>EnvironmentVariables</key> <dict> <key>PATH</key> <string>/Library/Application Support/com.canonical.multipass/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin</string> </dict> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/Library/Applica...
dockerをインストールして動かしてみましたが問題なく動きました。(windows環境で試したかったのですが、今回はubuntuマシン上のmultipass環境内のdocker) 業務で使うPCは Windows7が割り当てられているので、Virtualboxを用意してvagrantからsshして中ではdockerを動かしているというフクザツなことを...
$ssh -l ubuntu docker run hello-world We're now ready to set up a Docker Context to simplify this, but first we need the open source Docker commands to be installed on your host computer. Installing the open sourcedockercommand on Windows and macOS ...
I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do this, but it seems to work, and I've got a script for it, since it needs to run after windows restarts, since the IPs change. I've also got a script to generate and copy over 90-static.yaml, so it's repeatable (in case I need to...
在Windows Terminal中,输入如下命令 ssh$targetUserName@$targetIp 例如: ssh taylorshi@ 第一次连接会提示你是否允许,我们回答yes即可,输入对应用户的密码,只要授权正常,差不多就可以连接上了。 如果你是虚拟机,注意这里选的网络连接模式。