农业的发展也取得了显著的成效, 多项经济指标都位于全国前列. 互联网 展开全部 英英释义 Noun 1. a mathematical expression that is the sum of a number of terms Adjective 1. having the character of a polynomial; "a polynomial expression"
The meaning of MULTINOMIAL is a mathematical expression that consists of the sum of several terms : polynomial.
The problem of determining the lag length arises when a times\|series polynomial distributed lags model(PDLS) is built for economic phenomena. 针对研究经济现象时建立时间序列(PDLS)模型所遇到的模型滞后阶数确定问题,就多项分布滞后(PDLS)模型滞后阶数的确定方法进行了归纳,并通过对GDP与总人口间建立多项分...
3) factorial polynomial 阶乘多项式 4) polynomial of factorial power 阶乘幂多项式 1. Clearly, the difference operator or sum operator is the convenient tool for thepolynomial of factorial powers. 显然,差分算子及其逆算子是阶乘幂多项式的方便工具。
Batsidis and Horváth [18] extended it and proposed a family of phi-divergence tests that involves broad statistics. Riba and Ginebra [19] performed a graphical exploration of a sequence of polynomial observations and found a break point. Note that they all assumed that the number of categories...
Batsidis and Horváth [18] extended it and proposed a family of phi-divergence tests that involves broad statistics. Riba and Ginebra [19] performed a graphical exploration of a sequence of polynomial observations and found a break point. Note that they all assumed that the number of categories...
Batsidis and Horváth [18] extended it and proposed a family of phi-divergence tests that involves broad statistics. Riba and Ginebra [19] performed a graphical exploration of a sequence of polynomial observations and found a break point. Note that they all assumed that the number of categories...