This approach to multimodality is not consistent with the role of nonverbal modes in other disciplines and professions, such asthe sciences and architecture, or in other cultures. Furthermore, the New London Group'soriginal definition of multimodality does not presuppose a digital environment. ...
Definition Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended Publications Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Biomedical imaging and analysis through deep learning Karen Drukker, ... Ge Wang, in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2021 4.4.2 Multimodal...
By definition, “multimodal” should refer to using more than one modality, regardless of the nature of the modalities. However, many researchers use the term “multimodal,” referring specifically to modalities that are commonly used in communication between people, such as speech, gestures, handwri...
In turn this suggests the need to re-think conceptions of literacy, learning and assessment--to move beyond the narrow definition of literacy apparent in recent government policy to a broader definition that realises the connections between literacy and social practices in a multimodal digital era....
Multimodality is rarely focused on in classrooms, especially in Croatia. By definition, multimodality describes communication practices in terms of the textual, aural, linguistic, spatial, and visual resources used to compose messages. Therefore, it is of great importance in everyday communication on ...
‘Text’–Aworkingdefinition:Theuseofoneormoreformsofcommunication…‘formsofcommunication’include:language,stillimage,movingimage,gesture,gaze,facialexpression,etc.Meaninginvisualityofthee-mail:•Orderindicatessuccession/priorityofturns •Blackandbluefontindicatessenderandsendeetext •‘Metadata’markedout...
Echocardio- graphic definition and surgical decision-making in unbalanced atrioventricular septal defect: a Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society multiinstitutional study. Circulation. 2010;122(11 Suppl):S209– 15. This is complied data from 4 major surgical referall centers for congenital heart disease. ...
In children, vital distress events, particularly respiratory, go unrecognized. To develop a standard model for automated assessment of vital distress in children, we aimed to construct a prospective high-quality video database for critically ill children in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) sett...
The American College of Cardiology Cardio-Oncology and Cardiovascular Imaging Leadership Councils have presented an imaging definition of CTRCD that complements the clinical classifications of cardiotoxicity as described by the International Cardio-Oncology Society (ICOS) [10]. These include “Definite CTRCD...
Atrial involvement has become so important that some authors advocate the definition of Atrial Cardiomyopathies as “any complex of structural, architectural, contractile or electrophysiological changes affecting the atria with the potential to produce clinically relevant manifestations” [9]. Atrial study...