A unified framework for multi-modal federated learning B Xiong, X Yang, F Qi, C Xu Neurocomputing, 202204 PUB Multimodal federated learning on iot data Y Zhao, P Barnaghi, H Haddadi IoTDI, 202205 PUB Cross-modal federated human activity recognition via modality-agnostic and modality-specific ...
Fusion refers to the process of integrating information extracted from different sources of single-modal data into a unified multimodal representation. In this process, the model combines and represents modality-specific feature vectors in a common space to understand the relationships and meanings between...
Jointly introduced byMME,MMBench, andLLaVAteams. ✨ 🔥🔥🔥Video-MME: The First-Ever Comprehensive Evaluation Benchmark of Multi-modal LLMs in Video Analysis Project Page|Paper|GitHub|Dataset|Leaderboard We are very proud to launch Video-MME, the first-ever comprehensive evaluation benchmark...
称为“k-disks”,用于标记轨迹数据,使得可以使用小词汇量对Waymo Open Dataset进行标记,以及一个基于T...
Neural-Symbolic就是将神经网络和符号推理结合,一方面能利用神经网络的学习能力和对representation的抽象能力,一方面能处理涉及到符号推理的复杂问题。Neural-Symbolic Programming是将Neural-Symbolic与program synthesis结合起来,主要的目标是生成程序或者代码去解决特定的任务。与end2end的deep learning相比,神经符号编程具有多种...
The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture. The architecture diagram depicts the mmRAG architecture that integrates advanced reasoning and retrieval mechanisms. It combines text, table, and image (including chart) data into a unified vector representation, enabling cross-modal und...
但是AMV使用unified bboxes的策略可能对multi-view features的多样性不利,对encoded image features的representation 能力会造成限制。此外,AMV隐式约束了每个view的目标检测器为Faster R-CNN,既可以使用pre-computed 的bboxes也可以使用built-in的RPN。这限制RetinaNet或YOLO等一阶段模型的使用。
Here we report a transformer-based representation-learning model as a clinical diagnostic aid that processes multimodal input in a unified manner. Rather than learning modality-specific features, the model leverages embedding layers to convert images and unstructured and structured text into visual tokens...
making it necessary to establish a unified representation of multimodal metaphors in order to explore the organisational and meaning-forming properties of multimodal metaphors (Gonçalves-Segundo,2020). This study proposes a more comprehensive classification model for multimodal metaphorical representations fro...
Liu, “Hero: Hierarchical encoder for video+ language omni-representation pre-training,” arXiv, 2020. [117] H. Luo, L. Ji, B. Shi, H. Huang, N. Duan, T. Li, J. Li, T. Bharti, and M. Zhou, “Univl: A unified video and language pre-training model for multimodal ...