5月17日,鹅厂协同国内几大高校实验室发布了一篇有关多模态大模型的综述文章《Efficient Multimodal Large Language Models: A Survey》,有广度有深度地介绍了多模态大模型的行业发展现状,对多模态大模型发展感觉兴趣的同学觉得有用就一键三连吧~ *本文只摘译精华部分,需要了解全文的请至文末跳转至原文链接阅读。 *楼...
本论文旨在追踪和总结多模态大语言模型(Multimodal Large Language Model)的最新进展,主要内容包括模型架构、训练策略和数据以及评估。然后,作者介绍了关于如何扩展多模态大语言模型以支持更多粒度、模态、语言和场景的研究主题。作者还介绍了多模态大语言模型面临的幻觉问题以及包括多模态上下文学习、多模态思维链、大语言模...
综述一:A Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models 论文链接:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.13549.pdf 项目链接:https://github.com/BradyFU/Awesome-Multimodal-Large-Language-Models 2024年4月1号更新的一篇paper。 一、多模态LLM的组成部分 常见的多模态LLM结构: 对于多模态输入-文本输出的典型 MLLM,其架构...
This survey presents a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of hallucination in multimodal large language models (MLLMs), also known as Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs), which have demonstrated significant advancements and remarkable abilities in multimodal tasks. Despite these promising development...
一、模态的定义 Modality:模态,某事发生或经历的方式 Multimodal:多模态 natural language:which can be both written or spoken 自然语言 visual signals: which are often represented with images or videos 视觉图片以及视频 vocal signals: which encode sounds and para-verbal information such as prosody and voc...
📌 What is This Survey About? In the past year, Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in tasks such as visual question answering, visual understanding and reasoning. However, the extensive model size and high training and inference costs have hindered the...
As shown in Fig.1, we develop aMedical Multimodal Large Language Model(Med-MLLM) for rare diseases to deal with the situation where the labelled data is scarce. An example is the early stages of a new pandemic, for which we will have very little data. Med-MLLM (i) adopts the unlabel...
we provide a comprehensive survey aimed at facilitating further research of MM-LLMs. Specifically, we first outline general design formulations for model architecture and training pipeline. Subsequently, we provide brief introductions of 26 existing MM-LLMs, each characterized by its specific formulations...
Expert Model:借助专家模型来简化视觉信息更简单,但是灵活性很差,而且会存在信息丢失的情况。videochat - text[33]指出,将视频转换为文本描述会扭曲时空关系。 3.1.6 Evaluation 两种评估标准:close set 和open set。 Closed-set包含直接在已知的数据集上进行测试,也包含了few-shot和zero shot的测试标准。通常的测试...
题目:A Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models 作者:Shukang Yin1* , Chaoyou Fu2∗‡† , Sirui Zhao1∗‡, Ke Li2 , Xing Sun2 , Tong Xu1 , Enhong Chen1‡ 单位:School of CST., USTC & State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Intelligence 2Tencent YouTu Lab 项目主页 链接 主...