t=list(np.array(t).transpose((1,0))) 第一步:torch.tensor转换成ndarray 第二步:ndarray前两维互换 第三步:转换成list ATTN: 如果使用list(array1)的形式,则只将最外层转换成list,里边还是array 如果使用array1.tolist()方法,则整个array的每一层都变成了list 补充3: 在第一个batch中,将t,v,a,y,...
[3]containslinksto 269,648imagesfromimagesharingsiteFlickr,togetherwiththeircorrespondingtags. 1 TheNUS-WIDEdatasetalsoprovidesalistof5018uniquetagswhichappearmorethan100 timesinthedatasetandalsoappearintheWordNet.Byconsideringonlytagspresentinthis list,weessentiallygetridoftheproblemthatmanytagsinFlickrarenoisy(...
features=c("CLEC4C","LILRA4"),sort=TRUE)+NoLegend()treg_markers<-FindMarkers(pbmc3k,ident.1="Treg",only.pos=TRUE,logfc.threshold=0.1)print(head(treg_markers))DefaultAssay(pbmc3k)<-'predicted_ADT'# see a list of proteins: rownames(pbmc3k)FeaturePlot(pbmc3k,features=c("CD3...
To further improve the clustering, we used all of the multimodal matrices to perform weighted nearest neighbors (WNN) analysis35. The WNN largely recapitulated the clusters identified by each individual modality (Fig.5aand Extended Data Fig.8a). We then investigated whether features that explain mos...
Output (5 queries):"""prompt_decomposition=ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(template)generate_queries_decomposition=(prompt_decomposition|llm_bedrock|StrOutputParser()|(lambdax:x.split("\n")))questions=generate_queries_decomposition.invoke({"question":question})defreciprocal_rank_fusion(results:...
Large MultiModal Model Hallucination LMM hallucination😵 refers to occasional instances where LMMs generate content that appears plausible but deviates from or conflicts with the provided image. LMMs tend to rely more on their own parametric knowledge than on provided visual features, causing them to ...
*Note: ['bbox', 'captions', 'objects', 'features', 'image_id', 'num_boxes', 'wh'] This feature list is taken as the attributes of h5 file, which is extracted by the above script. The image_id equal to image_file in our project. ...
first analyzes the visual features of the painting, recognizing elements such as the sun sinking low over the horizon, casting a warm, golden light across the bustling street, the shadows of the cars across the street, and the silhouettes of buildings, evoking a sense of nostalgia and tranquili...
python3 features/data_partitioning/uci-har/data_partition.py --alpha 0.1 --num_clients 5 python3 features/data_partitioning/uci-har/data_partition.py --alpha 5.0 --num_clients 5 The return data is a list, each item containing [key, file_name, label] 2. Feature extraction For UCI-HAR...
They propose the multimodal lexical translation (MLT) model where they rerank the n-best list with scores assigned by a multimodal word sense disambiguation system based on pooled features. Another line of work considers the task as a joint retrieval and reranking problem, which can be useful ...