Seeded Multigrain Sourdough Bread is simple to make, texture rich, and with an earthy blend of grains and seeds to make a crave-worthy loaf. vegan
What is the most important thing you learned from them?I would say Chad Robertson and Elisabeth Prueitt at Tartine were my food mentors. They taught me that color can be a flavor and that salt is the most important thing in a recipe.What was the first dish you ever cooked yourself?I co...
#面包面团部分 快手多谷物全麦燕麦吐司Multigrain Seeded Sandwich Bread的做法步骤 步骤1 多谷物混合物全部称量好混在一起。 如果有很大块儿的谷物,我建议用料理机打两下稍微打小一点,否则揉面的时候会一直往外掉。我用了燕麦和farro所以用料理机稍微打了几下。 步骤2 水烧开倒入多谷物混合物。等待冷却到105F ...