Will work on any map (of course is intended for Rogatki or any other map that has linseed and/or poppy as crops), just that the productions for poppy and linseed oil won’t have inputs and those missing fillTypes will generate some log warnings. There is no need for a selling point...
This is a Multi Fruit 4-fold map of the LS 2019 It is decorated with many details, 33 field missions, 19 forests, traffic and lots of pedestrians. The fields have something for everyone, because some are helper friendly and others are as curved as the time required. Since the LS 2019 ...
FS19 Porta Westfalica MultiFruit v3.0 The map recreates the surroundings of the Porta Westfalica rudn around the Wiehengebirge and the Weserbergland. Version 3.0.0 MultiFruit Made Seasons ready, inserted the seasonsMask (I was only able to test it to a limited extent because it just...
FS19 EBSDORFER HEIDE v1.0.0.0 FS 19 Maps 10 Oct, 2020 FS19 Felsbrunn Edit By MC v2.0.0.0 FS 19 Maps 6 Dec, 2018 FS19 ZAGRODY Map v1.0.0.0 FS 19 Maps 4 Oct, 2020 Leave a Reply Comment Name * Email * I have read and accepted the Privacy Policy * ...
New Felsbrunn (multifruit) v2.0 FS19 This map New Felsbrunn V.2.0.is a revised and improved multi-fruit map. Map ready for mod season, precision farming and fully compatible with manure system, straw hervest and corn plus addon. After applying the mentioned modifications the map will work ...
Frohnheim Multifruit v1.0 FS19 Hello, hereby I introduce you my Map Frohnheim, this is a 4-fold MAP with all standard fruits, there are about Version Frohnheim Multifruit New fruits rye, spelled, millet and poppy added Corrected farmyard, stored fruits are displayed in the overview, storage...
The PDAMap version 1.3 standard fruit is now in several sections scanned, assembled by hand and included in this version for the first time. Much has been rebuilt, replaced or redesigned what a new score vorraussetzt. The log is so far except for the errors caused by Giants own error and...