Introduce your preschooler to some multicultural musical activities to foster her musical side. Showing your little one that not all music sounds the same might just work to your advantage. She may take a liking to something besides the latest musical hit that she’s been repeatedly playing for...
Many preschool educators engage in activities with a multicultural theme that celebrate the customs, practices, and beliefs of other cultures. Gayle Jacobs (3) engages preschoolers in celebrating Hinamatursi Day, the Japanese ôDay of the Dolls,ö in order to ôTeach children that being ...
(1999). Cultural heterogeneity: Parental values and beliefs and their preschoolers’ activities in the United States, South Korea, Russia, and Estonia. In A. Goncu, et al. (Eds.), Children’s engagement in the world: Sociocultural perspectives (pp. 62–96). New York: Cambridge. Google ...
The 8 week project entails five weekly readings of five multicultural picture books followed by five art activities, utilizing the first 3 weeks to familiarize the children with the project. The first step in the process involved reading multicultural picture books to the children, followed by ...