A theoretical consideration of multiclass pattern recognition problems: Derivation of an effective formula for the expected accuracydoi:10.1002/(SICI)1520-6440(199712)80:123.0.CO;2-Rpattern recognitionmulticlass recognitionaccuracyexpected accuracy
The theory and practice of discriminant analysis have been mainly developed for two-class problems (computation of dichotomies). This phenomenon can easily be explained, since there is an obvious way to perform multi-category discrimination tasks using solely models computing dichotomies. It consists in...
In this paper, we consider multiclass pattern recognition problems theoretically. We first provide a universal set of classes, for example, for all categories of Chinese characters, then we select M classes from the set to make an M-class recognition problem. The expected accuracy, that is, ...
multiclassrecognitionPatternrecognitionIn this paper, we consider multiclass pattern recognition problems theoretically. We first provide a universal set of classes, for example, for all categories of Chinese characters, then we select M classes from the set to make an M-class recognition problem. ...