Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments ...
So, a multicellular organism definition is: an organism that is made of many cells, such as plants, animals or fungi. Multicellular organisms are different from unicellular organisms, such as bacteria, which are only made of one cell. Multicellular organisms tend to be larger and more complex ...
So, a multicellular organism definition is: an organism that is made of many cells, such as plants, animals or fungi. Multicellular organisms are different from unicellular organisms, such as bacteria, which are only made of one cell. Multicellular organisms tend to be larger and more complex ...
Is it amulticellularorganismin which the cells are obligately interdependent upon one another? From theCambridge English Corpus Indeed, each subsystem of a larger super-system (such as single cells within amulticellularorganism) generally has a shorter lifespan than the super-system itself. From the...
The cells in a multicellular organism are usually varied, differentiated, and specialized. Overview The evolutive path toward multicellularity seems to be not particularly challenging, as different groups of multicellular organisms seem to have evolved independently (Rokas 2008 ). Also, it is possible ...
This mechanism enables differentiated cells in a multicellular organism to express only the genes that are necessary for their own activity. 这是不同的细胞在多细胞有机体中只表达其活动必需基因的原因。 WikiMatrix A cell junction (or intercellular bridge) is a type of structure that exists withi...
Each organism is the result of a combination of germs and host DNA integrated into a complex system [6]. During evolutionary history, microbes and their hosts have cohabited, with natural selection acting upon the entire superorganism to drive evolution [7]. The current understanding of host–...
In highermulticellular organismsthe genetic composition of an individual is determined by the fusion of sperm and egg nuclei following fertilization. With a few exceptions1all cells of amulticellular organismhave the sameDNA sequence. However, the cells of the multicellular organism have very different...
CBacteria DCockroachSubmit A multicellular organism is larger due to Alarge number of cells Blarger cells Csmaller cells Dsurface area - volume ratioSubmit Multicellular organisms have division of labour. Explain. View Solution In a multicellular organism, different cells are specialized to perform...
multicellular organism多细胞生物 multicellular同义词 adj. [生物]多细胞的;多空隙的 pluricellular,cellulous multicellular词源中文解释 在生物学中, multi-cellular 也表示“有许多细胞,由多个细胞组成”,始于1849年,由 multi- “许多”和 cellular “细胞”组成。