7 0.164795 fe80::f8ae:aae:ee9a:bdc0 ff02::16 ICMPv6 Multicast Listener Report Message v2 Frame 7: 90 bytes on wire (720 bits), 90 bytes captured (720 bits) Arrival Time: Feb 8, 2023 10:58:46.046032000 中国标准时间 Epoch Time: 1675825126.046032000 seconds [Time delta from previous capture...
When group-source mappings change, hosts add these changes to the Multicast Address Record fields in MLDv2 Multicast Listener Report messages and send MLDv2 Multicast Listener Report messages to the MLD querier on the local network segment. Figure 3-8 illustrates the MLDv2 Query message format, ...
If Router has an MLD SSM mapping entry matching G, it converts (*, G) information in the Report message into (G, INCLUDE, (S1, S2...)) information and provides the SSM service for the hosts. MLD SSM Mapping does not apply to MLDv2 Multicast Listener Report messages. To enable hosts...
A Multicast Listener Report is a report of all the multicast addresses of interest on a particular link. It contains: Current state record (solicited): Sent by a host in response to a query to specify the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE mode for every multicast group in which the host is interes...
Open vSwitch (Version 2.9.2) goes into deadlocked state when receiving an ICMPv6 multicast listener report v2 packet on a system port and trying to send it back on the IN_PORT after modifying the VLAN tag. The message is generated as a result of connecting a new device to a physical VLAN...
Hello all, When doing IPv6 SLAAC, what does this Mulitcast Listener Report Message do? It looks like it's excluding all-routers address ff02::2. The next few packets also excluded solicitate node addresses ff02::1:ffe8:38 and ff02::1:ff00:1. Why?Enterprise...
Hello all, When doing IPv6 SLAAC, what does this Mulitcast Listener Report Message do? It looks like it's excluding all-routers address ff02::2. The next few packets also excluded solicitate node addresses ff02::1:ffe8:38 and ff02::1:ff00:1. Why?Enterprise...
多播监听器(Multicast Listener Report)消息是网络中用于管理多播组成员的一种通信协议。它用于组播(multicast)通信中,通过在网络中传递控制消息来管理和维护多播组的成员列表。 多播通信是一种一对多的通信方式,其中一个发送方可以同时将消息传递给多个接收方。它与广播(broadcast)通信不同的地方在于,广播是将消息传递给...
Figure 36-1Initial MLD Listener Report Multicast router A sends anMLD general query to the switch, which forwards the query to ports 2 through 5 (all members of the same VLAN). Host 1 wants to join an IPv6 multicast group and multicasts an MLD report to the group with the equival...