1. Configurations For configuring, what we need to do is only to create a newinc-trisquel.cfgplain text file and edit the existedgrub.cfgfile. Particularly for grub.cfg below, simply copy-paste the code here between ubuntu and xubuntu sections there. All located in [USB]/boot/grub/ direct...
In late 2019 I successfully ship multiboot drives with Zorin OS as one among many operating systems within them. I have made the articles in making them multibootable most notablyopenSUSE,Deepin, andSlackware, as they were actually not supported byGLIM multiboot maker. However, I forgot that ...
InstallationInstal And Uninstall KeywordsAntivirus Rescue Disk,Rescue Disk,USB Boot,Rescue Disk,Boot,USB Users' rating (37 rating) Currently 2.38/5 1 2 3 4 5 Add to saved freewareReport spywareDownload Shardana Antivirus Rescue Disk Utility - Freeware Download Notice ...
In December 2019, at the same time I shipped anothermultibootGNU/Linuxto different customer in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. For this, my customer ordereddeepin 15, butGLIM Makercannot make it multiboot. To my experience, deepin ISO images work best if they made singleboot in a flash drive ...
+) integrated bootable floppy disk image maker +) New N in 1 ISO builder engine, 2-3 times fast than before *) Fixed volume cannot change error *) Fixed upper left corner flicking problem during submenu display 7, EasyBoot 3.22 (December 5, 2002) ...