NeuS: Learning Neural Implicit Surfaces by Volume Rendering for Multi-view Reconstruction 通过体积渲染来学习神经隐式曲面,用于多视图重建 Abstract 我们提出了一种新的神经表面重建方法,称为NeuS,用于高保真地重建对象和场景。现有的神经表面重建方法,如DVR [Niemeyer等人,2020]和IDR [Yariv等人,2020],需要前景掩模...
在这种情况下,有T(t)的加持,w是可以对遮挡进行感知的,缺点是我们在NeRF中得到的T并不是完美的,再加上几何算法和实际操作中的固有偏差,这个做法引入了很多的误差,最后效果并不好。 正如下图所示,左边那张图中,朴素方法直接将sigma(t)设置为了一个固定的分布,就是我们上面提到的fai(f(p(t))),很明显计算得...
MVE is an end-to-end multi-view geometry reconstruction software which takes photos of a scene as input and produces a surface triangle mesh as result. The system covers a structure-from-motion algorithm, multi-view stereo reconstruction, generation of extremely dense point clouds, and ...
几篇论文实现代码:《Multi-View Mesh Reconstruction with Neural Deferred Shading》(CVPR 2022) GitHub: [fig1] 《MAXIM: Multi-Axis MLP for Image Proce...
Panoramic 3D Reconstruction of an Indoor Scene Using A Multi-view Camera This chapter deals with the uses of units and the need for dimensional analysis when multiple units have to be used in combination. Quantities arise in the process of measuring and denoting the degree or intensity of ...
We propose a multi-view stereo reconstruction algorithm which recovers urban scenes as a combination of meshes and geometric primitives. It provides a compact model while preserving details: irregular elements such as statues and ornaments are described by meshes whereas regular structures such as column...
We present a novel neural surface reconstruction method, called NeuS, for reconstructing objects and scenes with high fidelity from 2D image inputs. Existing neural surface reconstruction approaches, such as DVR and IDR, require foreground mask as supervision, easily get trapped in local minima, and...
Reconstruction论文阅读 date: 2019-11-14 15:56:21 tags: paper 3D todo 论文原文 Abstract 前人不足(在融合多视角特征方面) 多使用RNN RNN是对输入图片顺序敏感 more images会有long-term memory loss pooling ignoring other valuable features 本文工作 ...
We present a novel multi-view implicit surface reconstruction technique, termed StreetSurf, that is readily applicable to street view images in widely-used autonomous driving datasets, such as Waymo-perception sequences, without necessarily requiring LiDAR data. As neural rendering research expands ...
The advantage of skeleton-based 3D reconstruction is to completely generate a single 3D object from well chosen views. Having numerous views is necessary for a reliable reconstruction but projections of skeletons lead to different topologies. We reconstruct 3D objects with curved medial axis (whose to...