all the point clouds are basically unified in the same coordinate system, as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. In order to obtain better global results, it is necessary to perform global registration optimization on the point cloud after rough matching. ...
Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-arts when both point sets are contaminated by extremely large amount of outliers. Its robustness against the anisotropic z-stretching is also demonstrated in the registration of multi-view microscopy data....
natetransformationmatrix.Throughtheexperimentalcomparison,thepointcloudregistrationalgorithmisobviouslysupe- riortothetraditionalmethod,finallystitchingprecisionisverified.Multi-viewpointcloudsstitchingexperimentsshow thatthemethodisconvenient,fastandpracticalandsuitsforindustrialproduction,andthestitchingprecisionof ...
pointcloudregistrationalgorithm.Registrationofmultiple scanstypicallyfollowsatwo-stagepipeline:theinitialpair- wisealignmentandthegloballyconsistentrefinement.The formerisoftenambiguousduetothelowoverlapofneigh- boringpointclouds,symmetriesandrepetitivesceneparts. Therefore,thelatterglobalrefinementaimsatestablishing ...
applied sciences Article Innovative Methodology for Multi-View Point Cloud Registration in Robotic 3D Object Scanning and Reconstruction Liang-Chia Chen 1,*, Dinh-Cuong Hoang 1, Hsien-I Lin 2 and Thanh-Hung Nguyen 3 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, ...
[CVPR 2023] Robust Multiview Point Cloud Registration with Reliable Pose Graph Initialization and History Reweighting - XC-Young/SGHR
In this paper, we propose an end-to-end feature-based multiview registration model that takes a set of raw 3D point cloud fragments as input and outputs the global transformation. Unlike previous works, our method allows the exchange of information between stages. We firstly estimate pairwise ...
The summary of various methods for this step is presented in Table 1, which can be divided into two categories: calibration object and rigid point cloud registration. Conventionally, the first category focus on introducing external calibration objects, such as criterion sphere [17], gauge block [...
Shi GG, Wang F, Cheng XJ, Li QL (2008) Optimal station position number for terrestrial laser scanning multi-view point cloud registration. J Dalian Marit Univ 34(03):64–66 (in Chinese)S. Guigang, W. Feng, and C. Xiaojun, "Optimal station position number for terrestrial laser scanning ...
Then, apply improved iterate corresponding point algorithm to the sampled point cloud data which has realized pre-registration to achieve accurate registration. In the process, the set of progressive decrease of iterate condition by different levels reduced the iterate times. The utilization of new ...