论文解读:Knowledge Base Relation Detection via Multi-View Matching 关系检测(Relation Detection)是知识库问答的核心步骤,有时候也被称为关系匹配(Relation Matching),其目标是给定一个文本(通常是一个问句Question)以及附带的中心实体(Target Entity),判断这个问句想要表达的是什么关系。例如问句“中国的首都是...
Bulatov, D., Wernerus, P., Heipke, C.: Multi-view dense matching supported by triangular meshes. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66(6), 907–918 (2011)BULATOV, D., WERNERUS, P. & HEIPKE, C., 2011: Multi-view dense matching supported by triangular meshes. ISPRS ...
The correspondence problem is generally addressed by the design of discriminative 3D local descriptors on the one hand, and the development of robust matching strategies on the other hand. In this work, we first propose a multi-view local descriptor, which is learned from the images of multiple...
multi-viewfuzzy strategymulti-planar homographyOcclusions and incorrect detection make it very difficult to combine information from all views correctly in multi-view surveillance. As a result, we proposed a fuzzy matching strategy using a multi-planar homography constraint. Different from conventional ...
多图聚类模型(Graph-based Multi-view Clustering, GMC)是一种专门设计用于处理多视图数据的聚类算法,它利用图结构来捕捉数据点之间的关系,并通过联合优化多个视图的图表示来达到更准确的聚类效果。 GMC算法的核心在于能够有效融合不同来源的信息,即使这些信息可能存在矛盾或不完整,也能从中提取出一致的聚类结构。
Group enhancement for matching of multi-view image with overlap fuzzy featureMulti-viewImageOverlapFuzzy featureGroup enhancementWhen an object is affected by illumination and noise, traditional methods of image feature group enhancement are mismatched and the accuracy of feature group enhancement is poor...
A novel scene recognition method that utilizes local appearance descriptions together with geometrical invariants for multiview scene matching is presented in this paper. The rationale behind this effort is to complement the lowered discriminative capacity of local features, with invariant geometric descripti...
initial feature matching, expansion, filtering 3.2.1 Key Elements Patch Model patch的定义: 局部切面, 由中心(center) c(p)和单位法向量n(p)决定. 与常规的图像一致性方程只把位置当作入参, patch还把法向量纳入了考量的范围 Image-based Data Structure ...
1、上下文匹配模块(Context Matching module)在句子层面有效地表示与问题相关的对话历史上下文信息。这是因为,一般来说,一个句子的语义意图往往是由整个序列的上下文以及一些与主题直接相关的单词决定的。 2、主题聚合模块(Topic Aggregation module)能够从单词级别的对话历史中捕获主题引导的线索。这利用了这样一个事实,即...
为了克服参数选择带来的麻烦,Peng等[71]提出了交叉视图匹配聚类/CrOss-view Matching Clustering (COMIC)算法。该算法将数据投影到一个同时考虑几何一致性(GC)和聚类分配一致性(CAC)的空间中。更具体地说,几何一致性(GC)的目的是学习投影空间中的连接图,其中只有属于同一类的样本点被连接。而聚类分配一致性(CAC)的...