Multi-User MIMOBruno ClerckxClaude OestgesMimo Wireless Networks (Second Edition)
在MU-MIMO模式下,不支持空间分集传输(STBC)技术。在应用MU-MIMO技术时,每个用户的空时流会被汇聚到空间映射模块,数据流中的每个子载波信号需要与量化键控(QK)相乘。此时,QK是之前AP与STA之间通过信令帧(如Sound NDP帧)通信得到的信道信息矩阵,即波束成形转向矩阵。关于QK的理解:假设[公式],...
2. 多用户多重输入多重输出 ...每个用户的资料流使用不同的权重值。多用户多重输入多重输出(Multi-User MIMO)也称为波束赋形或者预先编码,可最小化 …|基于2个网页 3. 多装置同步连网 甚至,随著新一代标准支援多装置同步连网(Multi-user MIMO)的新技术出现,使用者同时透过无线网路串流高...
802.11ac协议相对于之前的802.11协议来说一个重大的技术演进就是DL MU-MIMO,即AP可以真正意义上同时与多个STA进行通信,对于采用MU-MIMO发送的数据从bit domain到frequency domain的cyclic shift之间的处理都需要以用户为单位进行分别处理,如图 3‑37所示。因为不同用户采用的MCS,编码方式都可能不同,所以相关的处理必须...
Multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) is a protocol in the field of Computer Science that enables multiple client stations to receive independent data streams from a transmitting access point simultaneously, using spatial multiplexing to separate the data streams. ...
This chapter first discusses a mathematical model of the multi-user MIMO system and its channel capacity. Then, it presents the precoded transmission schemes, which is a specific means of implementing the multi-user MIMO system for the downlink. Controlled Vocabulary Terms channel capacity; MIMO ...
The TGac multi-user channel consists of independent single-user MIMO channels between the access point and spatially separated stations [ 3 ]. In this example, the same delay profile Model-A channel is applied for each of the users, even though individual users can experience different conditions...
An efficient high order multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) subspace detector is proposed. The detector employs joint modulation classification (MC) and subspace detection (SD), by which the modulation type of the interferer is estimated, while multiple decoupled streams are ...
This paper studies multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) visible light communications (VLC) for indoor broadcast systems. Transmitters, configured as multiple LED arrays, and multiple users equipped with multiple photodetectors (PD) are considered. The main challenge in such broadcast sys...
Abstract—Multi-userMIMO-OFDMAisregardedasanim- portanttechnologyforincreasingtheflexibilityandefficiency ofwirelesscommunicationsystems.Awell-behavedresource allocationstrategyiscrucialfortheperformanceofsuchsystems. Inthispaper,westudytheallocationproblemfromacooperative ...