It can be widely used in tune and impedence matching for microwave amplifiers and oscillators, and can also be used in passive networks. 该文以微波放大器的有源网络设计为基础,针对微波晶体管输入与输出阻抗相互影响的特点,提出了阻抗匹配的自适应递推设计方法。 2. Microwave amplifiers are very import...
J., "Indirect Feedback Compensation Techniques for Multi- Stage CMOS Operational Amplifiers," to be submitted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I, 2008. 4. Saxena, V., and Baker, R. J., "Multi-Stage Fully-Differential Operational Amplifiers using Indirect Feedback ...
In the special case where each stage has the same inert-mass fractions and the same specific impulse, they will also have the same Δvfraction. The fraction will be1 / nstage. For example, if there are four stages, each stage will contribute 1/4 = 0.25 =25%of the total Δv. ...