A multi-line air-conditioning system, the compressor circuit is formed by connecting the four-way valve, an electronic expansion valve, solenoid valve and an outdoor heat exchanger, an indoor heat exchanger, the four-way valve into two, a first end of the four-way valve connecting the ...
If you wish to keep an entire floor or two or more rooms comfortable, we recommend you choose a multi-split air conditioning system with a single outdoor unit. Choose one that meets your air conditioning requirements from the variety of models we offer. You can mix and match indoor and ou...
Explore the Panasonic Multi Room Air Conditioner. Discover features of Panasonic Multi Split Air Conditioning System, Panasonic’s Multi Split Air Conditioning System is a high efficiency multi split system and designed with high durability under a wide
1)multi-split air conditioning (heat pump) system多联机空调(热泵)系统 2)Multi-connected Air-condition(heat pump) System(MCAC system)多联式空调(热泵)系统 3)VRF air conditioning system多联机空调系统 1.Discussion on design of VRF air conditioning systems;多联机空调系统设计探讨 英文短句/例句 1....
The smart compressor design and premium moving parts of the Samsung FJM air conditioning system deliver a balanced performance, fully complying with new EU regulations for enhanced efficiency. Out Full Range of Climate Systems See all Subscribe ...
Delivers a sophisticated air conditioning solution to single zone interior spaces at an affordable price. Provides a simple solution for one-room additions. Multi-split Connects up to five indoor units to a single outdoor unit. Installs a complete air conditioning system to multiple zone interior ...
1) multi-split air-conditioning 多联分体式空调 例句>> 2) Variable refrigerant volume air-conditioning system 变制冷剂流量多联分体式空调系统 1. Variable refrigerant volume air-conditioning systemhave been applied in air condition design only for several years. ...
PRODUCTS High-efficiency cooling and free cooling solution XMint efficient evaporative cooling composite multi-split air conditioning system XMint efficient evaporative cooling composite multi-split air conditioning system Oil-free refrigeration cycle system with large phase changes developed for data centers...
Multi Split Air Conditioner Residential Mini VRF system Connect multiple indoor units to a single outdoor unit with Hitachi's Multi Room Systems Hitachi's Multi Room Systems enables connection of several indoor units to a single outdoor unit. Our Multi Room air conditioning reduces the visual impa...
其次,针对一拖多变频空调器室外机产品测试系统的需求,研制了以UART扩展芯片GM8142和单片机为核心的SCI智能模块。 更多例句>> 2) Inverter multi 变频一拖多 3) Multi-split air conditioning system 一拖多空调系统 4) the First Tractor Factory 一拖 1. ...