Technologies are described for performing replication within a database environment. Where a database transaction is replicated at multiple replica nodes, a replica node is selected as a coordinator replica node for the transaction. The other replica node or nodes are designated as follower replica ...
Partition replica type Multi-replica consensus protocols Dynamic scaling Data link User interface and query language Transaction management Storage architecture Data reliability and high availability Database security OBServer node architecture System management ...
4kind:MongoDBMultiCluster 5metadata: 6name:multi-replica-set 7spec: 8version:6.0.0-ent 9type:ReplicaSet 10duplicateServiceObjects:false 11credentials:my-credentials 12opsManager: 13configMapRef: 14name:my-project 15clusterSpecList: ...
multi-replica-set spec.version string このMongoDBMultiClusterリソースが実行する MongoDB のバージョン。 形式は、 MongoDB Community EditionではX.Y.Z、Enterprise エディションではX.Y.Z-entです。 重要:互換性のあるMongoDB Serverバージョンを選択していることを確認してください。 互換性の...
MuR-DPA: Top-down Levelled Multi-replica Merkle Hash Tree Based Secure Public Auditing for Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud. C Liu,R Ranjan,C Yang,... 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 Dynamic Outsourced Auditing Services for Cloud Storage Based on Batch-Leaves-Authenticated Merkle Hash Tree Cloud ...
Multi-Replica Macs ChIPSeq Wrapper A multi-threaded wrapper for processing multi-replicate, multi-condition ChIPSeq samples Description ChIPSeq and related methods, such as ATACSeq and Cut-and-Run, is increasingly being used not just as a means of discovery ("where is my factor binding?") but...
Why is only one Pod left after a multi-replica task fails, making it difficult to troubleshoot the issue?#3930 Open zl532812070 opened this issue Dec 26, 2024· 1 comment Comments zl532812070 commented Dec 26, 2024 Please describe your problem in detail Any other relevant information No...
Por padrão, o Amazon Keyspaces replica dados em três zonas de disponibilidade dentro da mesma Região da AWS para maior durabilidade e alta disponibilidade. Com a replicação multirregional, você pode criar espaços chave multirregionais que replicam suas tabelas em até seis regiõ...
商品名称:梅森马吉拉(MAISON MARGIELA)女鞋 防滑运动训练跑鞋女式时尚经典女士休闲板鞋Replica Multicoloured 40 商品编号:10140529033416 店铺: SUPERHUMANIO饰品海外专营店 货号:0D8EA47B 鞋面材质:复合材质 鞋跟形状:无跟平底 适用季节:四季通用 上市时间:2025年春季 适用人群:青年,中年 鞋底材质:橡胶 流行元素:其他 ...
Informazioni sulla replica, il clustering e le soluzioni multi-master per MariaDB. Galera Informazioni su MariaDB e Galera. ← Replica ↑ MariaDB - Italiano ↑ Storie di successo su MariaDB → Content reproduced on this site is the property of its respective owners, and this content is ...