Title:《Structured Multi-modal Feature Embedding and Alignment for Image-Sentence Retrieval》 Published:2021 ACM MM 我想做图文检索的人开始都会有一个比较直接的想法就是对图进行树的构建,因为,文本是有语法结构的可以构建语法树,而图像是连续空间,没有语法结构。如果图像也能够构建树得到一个对图像的语义理解表...
4.3 Multi-modal Feature Fusing在本工作中,由于有三种类型的数据,我们采用了具有共同注意方法的层次融合模式[Lu et al.,2019]。为了捕获跨模态关系的不同方面并增强多模态特征,我们提出在自监督损失下强制执行跨模态对齐。Cross-modal Co-attention Mechanism...
Training:在预训练阶段,采用in-batch negative sampling,能够配对的 image-text 对构成正样本,image和batch内其余样本对的text组成负样本。具体来说,先分别对图像和文本提特征,这时图像对应生成 I1、I2 ... In 的特征向量(Image Feature),文本对应生成 T1、T2 ... Tn 的特征向量(Text Feature),中间对角线为正...
The invention discloses a multi-modal feature selection and classification method based on a hypergraph. The hypergraph can be used for effectively carrying out modeling on the high-order information of data. In the method disclosed by the invention, firstly, the hypergraph is independently ...
This paper proposes a multi-modal feature fusion 3D object detection method (MFF3D) for a production workshop. The design of MFF3D includes the following steps: (1) Improved YOLOv3 attains the 2D prior region of an object, and RGB-D saliency detection obtains the object image pixels in ...
News story unit segmentation method based on multi-modal feature fusion is proposed in this paper by analyzing news video structure.News video is divided into audio stream and video stream.Mute intervals are detected as audio candidate points,and the shot segmentations for news video are detected ...
More specifically, the TGANN model contains four parts: feature extraction, text-guided attention mechanism, feature fusion, and popularity prediction. For the feature extraction, we propose a filter-based topic model, an extension of latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) (Blei et al., 2003), to ...
Let the random variable X i be the i th feature and x i (k) be an observation of that feature in the k th segment. Since X i is in general proportional to the excitability of the video segment, p(X i ≥x i (k)) will be very low for highly exciting video segments, (i.e.,...
For multi-modal feature fusion, here we develop a Multi-modal Factorized Bilinear (MFB) pooling approach to efficiently and effectively combine multi-modal features, which results in superior performance for VQA compared with other bilinear pooling approaches. For fine-grained image and question ...
Separate Fully Connected Layer (SFC) is used for the feature mapping in the Encoding and Fusion stage. "独立全连接层"这个术语表明可能存在多个全连接层的实例,并且它们被保持独立或分开以用于特定目的。这可能意味着不同的特征子集或表示通过独立的全连接层进行处理。