Talenttalent managementparadox theorytensionmulti-levelWith this paper, we aim to challenge the current theorizing in talent management (TM) that has generally been based on oversimplified assumptions, often approaching TM from a binary or an either/or perspective. We claim that adopting a paradox ...
Organizations have started to embrace strengths-based thinking, as evidenced by the trend of adopting more inclusive approaches to talent management (CIPD, 2020). However, in line with the predominant focus in the current academic literature (Miglianico et al., 2019), organizations mainly focus on...
This article combines literatures on immigrant integration and migration intermediaries to add a skilled perspective to theories of immigrant integration.
the processing object passes through each workstation in turn while parts are gradually added to the product and the finishing of the final product is
These approaches continued up until the mother abandoned the corpse, after which they ceased, but some alarm calls continued to be emitted, possibly also reflecting the influence of social bonds. Climate may influence corpse-carrying behavior10. The death-related events described here took place ...
Ticket automation overview— We overview different approaches to TA and provide an analysis of recent contributions to this task. Moreover, we supply an up-to-date list of recent methods, framing them within four different TA tasks they aim to solve, as well as a comprehensive list of public...
An essential role in improving educational informatization and encouraging new approaches to education is played by educational technology, a specialist field that supports both theorising and doing ...
(Donate et al.2016). Moreover, talent loss leads to damage to unit human capital and the firm's bridging ties. When members of a firm establish external connections and networks with other managers at other firms or government officials for knowledge exchange, some of these intangible assets ...
findingssuggestthatcommittedsalespeoplegivemoreadequayoftheirtime,energy,talent, judgment,ideas,andmoralcourageinthebestinterestsofthe(Stewart,1961).In contrast,lesscommittedsalespeoplearedifficulttomotivate,areonlyintheirjobsforthe money,donotfollow-upcustomersanddonotcareabouttheirjobs,departments,orcustomers (St...
Given the complexity of understanding the specific effects of generational cohorts into entrepreneurial activities, we identify three theoretical approaches that help us to understand the differences per generation and their connection with the determinants of corporate venturing. First,paying attention to the...