Multi-armed Bandit Formulation of the Task Partitioning Problem in Swarm Robotics. In Swarm Intelligence; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2012; pp. 109-120.Pini, G., Brutschy, A., Francesca, G., Dorigo, M., Birattari, M.: Multi- armed Bandit Formulation of the Task Partitioning ...
因此本论文解决的问题是:通过局部的bandit模型(Non-IID),学习全局的stochastic MAB模型,同时保证通信的效率和局部模型隐私不被泄露。 解决办法:提出了FMAB框架。该框架在作者认知内尽可能将FL推广应用到了MAB上,使得bandit problem可以基于FL来进行分布式协作计算。 这个近似模型没有假设任何次优的先验知识,意思就是clien...
Learning Multiuser Channel Allocations in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit Formulation Nlogn), i.e. polynomial in the number of unknown parameters and logarithmic in time. We also discuss how our results provide a non-trivial generalization o... Y Gai,B Krishnamachari...
In many application domains, temporal changes in the reward distribution structure are modeled as a Markov chain. In this chapter, we present the formulation, theoretical bound, and algorithms for the Markov MAB problem, where the rewards are characterized by unknown irreducible Markov processes. Two...
The unified Overtaking method which is an implementation of the principle of optimism in the face of uncertainty in multi-armed bandit problems is associated with an upper bound of a confidence interval of an expected reward. The unification of the formulation enhance the universality of Overtaking ...
We formulate the following combinatorial multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem: There are $N$ random variables with unknown mean that are each instantiated in an i.i.d. fashion over time. At each time multiple random variables can be selected, subject to an arbitrary constraint on weights associated...
Cell Selection in a Dynamic Femtocell Environment : Restless Multi-Armed Bandit Formulation In this report, we model the problem of cell selection in open-access femtocell networks as a decentralized restless multi-armed bandit (RMAB) with unknown... D Chaima,O Tomoaki - 《電子情報通信学会技術...
Keywords:multiarmedbandit;indexpolicies;Bellmanequation;robustMarkovdecisionpro- cesses;uncertaintransitionmatrix;projectselection. 1.Introduction TheclassicalMulti-armedBandit(MAB)problemcanbereadilyformulatedasaMarkovdecision process(MDP).AtraditionalassumptionfortheMDPformulationisthatthestatetransition probabilitiesare...
The classic formulation of the multi-armed bandit problem in the context of clinical practice is as follows: there are ℓ≥2 treatments (arms) to treat a disease. The doctor (decision maker) has to choose for each patient, one of the ℓ available treatments, which result in a reward ...
1 INTRODUCTION One of the fundamental issues in reinforcement learning is the exploration versus exploitation dilemma, whose simplest instance is, perhaps, the bandit problem. In its most basic formulation, a bandit problem is a set of N (with N ? 1)... 展开 ...