Multi-agent task allocation problems consist of a set of agents and a set of tasks that the agents must execute [31, 57]. According to Gerkey and Matari [20] and Robin and Lacroix [44], tasks can be divisible, i.e., each task can be performed by an individual or by a group of ...
Multi-agent allocation has become a popular area of research and has advanced significantly in recent years in many applications such as multi-robot task allocation, path planning, control of unmanned aerial vehicles, communication networks, conflict and error prevention, and formation of mobile robots...
This paper proposes a new variant of the task allocation problem, where the agents are connected in a social network and tasks arrive at the agents distributed over the network. We show that the complexity of this problem remainsNP-complete. Moreover, it is not approximable within some factor...
关键词:层次分配;分布式;集中式;混合系统;任务分配;时间窗口;协同控制 中图分类号:TP391.9;V219文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-3695(2014)07-1980-04 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3695.2014.07.013 Multi-taskallocationproblemresearchbasedonmulti-agent LIUKe 1 ,GUOXiao-he 1 ,ZHOUJi-qiang 2 ,LUYong-le 1 (1....
Distributed task allocation in social networks [C] Klos. Distributed Task Allocation in Social Networks. In Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, ... MD Weerdt,Y Zhang,T Klos - International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multi...
Application of a hybrid distributed multi-agent task allocation mechanism to soccer robot systems混合分布式任务分配机制在足球机器人系统中的应用研究 Ji, X.C., Cui, L.H., Zheng, Z.Q.: Application of a hybrid distributed multi-agent task allocation mechanism to soccer robot system. Computer ......
Further, the processing circuitry can calculate a bid for the task, transmit the bid to an auctioneer, receive allocation of the task in response to transmitting the maximum bid, and travel to and execute the allocated task in response to receiving allocation of the task, while also ...
本文是发表在NeurIPS2022上的一篇层次多智能体强化学习文章,主要关注如何基于任务分配(Subtask Allocation)与任务执行(Subtask Execution)的角度设计多智能体学习框架。通过引入Amortized Q-Learning来缓解任务分配问题中的大规模动作空间的挑战,并进一步设计特定的网络结构来灵活处理不同任务的动态输入问题,从而在整体上提升...
The study of the multi-agent task allocation problem with multiple depots is crucial for investigating multi-agent collaboration. Although many traditional heuristic algorithms can be adopted to handle the concerned task allocation problem, they are not able to efficiently obtain optimal or suboptimal so...
Task AllocationMulti-Agent system, which is relatively a recent term, can be viewed as a sub-field of Distributed AI. In order to construct and solve complex real world problems like task allocation in an organization, a number of agents can perform work cooperatively and collaboratively. To ...