在Circle Mass Point中,opponent只能在圆圈上的若干点位之间移动,ego agent的目标是接近opponent,但ego agent并不能直接观测到opponent的位置(策略)。Opponent遵循以下移动策略:当结束一次interaction时如果ego agent仍处于圆内,则逆时针移动一个点位,否则不动。在此场景中,agent的期望行为应该是移动到圆外从而使得opponent...
Expert-knowledge Free:指的是不受人类制定的规则的限制,而是自主做规划和决策。 Human-Agent Interaction:指的是用户可以进行干预和指导其中的决策过程。 Universal Agent Language:指的是OpenAI的Function Calling来调用各种API的机制。 Diverse Real-world tools:指的是能够接入各种API,比如FileSystemEnv,PythonNotebook,...
This book explores the intersection between cognitive sciences and social sciences. In particular, it explores the intersection between individual cognitive modeling and modeling of multi-agent interaction (social stimulation). The two contributing fields--individual cognitive modeling (especially cognitive arc...
Cognition and Multi-Agent Interaction - Sun - 2006 () Citation Context ...structionism (PAPERT, 1993; STAGER, 2005), Distributed Cognition (SALOMON, 1993; HUTCHINS, 1995), Situated Learning (LAVE & WENGER, 1991; LOW & O’CONNELL, 2006) , Collective Intelligence (LÉVY, 1997; =-=SUN, ...
Multi-agent interaction protocols are used to support extended conversations between interacting agents. Traditionally, agent interaction protocols have just specified the overt interactions that take place among communicating agents and have ignored other, non-interactive, events that may have a bearing on...
多智能体蒸馏让小模型推理能力比肩大模型 | AI Agents在近一年火热的人工智能领域已经了有了一定发展,不管是单Agent(比如AutoGPT等)还是多Agent(比如Autogen、MetaGPT)都在AI应用中取得不错的效果。但是Agent的交互成本很高,特别是多Agents。怎么提升多Agents的效率,最近有篇论文《MAGDi: Structured Distillation of Mu...
These are agents that enhance the virtual environment, agents that take over tasks, and agents that help to test the design. The system shows new intrface and interaction approaches that suport the architectural design process intelligently. 展开 ...
Summary: The paper describes a general interaction algorithm for coordinating multi-agent plans. Triggered by a communication and negotiation protocol the coordination framework reconciles situations with negative interferences as well as it handles positive opportunities for mutual benefits. Coordination is ...
Cognition and Multi-Agent Interaction认知与多主体互动 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者:Cambridge Univ Pr 作者:Ron Sun 编 出品人: 页数:434 译者: 出版时间:2005-12...
Agent-Agent Interaction 采用了旋转不变的cross attention来处理中心agent和附近agent交互。使用agent的最接近当前帧的位移作为朝向来旋转所有的物体。对于然后每一帧的位置和别的一些语义feature一起进入MLP获得这个agent在某个时刻的feature。 对于周围agent和当前agent的交互,叠加上周围agent和当前agent的相对位置,再过MLP...