The subject disclosure is directed towards using a known projection pattern to make stereo (or other camera-based) depth detection more robust. Dots are detected in captured images and compared to the known projection pattern at different depths, to determine a matching confidence score at each ...
我们的网络实现了与SOTA相当的重建精度,同时速度明显更快。在这里,我们在DeMoN 上将 MultiViewStereoNet 与现有方法 COLMAP、DeepMVS 、MVDepthNet和 DPSNet进行比较。表格的行对应数据集的不同拆分(MVS、Sun3D、Scenes11、RGBD),而列显示...
多视图立体匹配(Multi-view Stereo)是一种主动式深度探测与单目深度估计实用化的权衡方法。基于代价体的方法利用3D卷积网络来提高MVS系统的精度。然而这种方法的计算开销很大,很难用于实际应用。与构建代价体的方法不同,本文提出一种高效的深度估计方法。具体地,首先进行特征点提取与描述子计算;然后进行特征点匹配与特征...
场景类型:Indoor & Outdoor ETH3D数据集的Stereo Benchmark中的High-res multi-view部分为彩色图片,包括13个训练场景和12个测试场景,图片数量大部分在10∼100张,注意这里的图片是24 Megapixel 的图片,大约共有44G。 Tanks-and-Temples 链接:Tanks and Temples Benchmark 场景类型:Indoor & Outdoor Tanks-and-T...
multi-stage coarse-to-fine framework to achieve more accurate depth estimation.We propose an ADRP module to predict an adaptive all-pixel depth range for more reliable reconstruction.We propose an ADIA module to achieve adaptive variable depth interval partition to estimate more accurate depth values...
this paper proposes a Geometry-enhanced Attentive Multi-View Stereo (GA-MVS) network, which can access multi-view consistent feature representation and achieve accurate depth estimation in challenging situations. Specifically, we propose a geometry-enhanced feature extractor to explore illumination-invariant...
6. Fast CNN Stereo Depth Estimation through Embedded GPU Devices [O] . Cristhian A. Aguilera, Cristhian Aguilera, Cristóbal A. Navarro, 2020 机译:通过嵌入式GPU设备进行快速CNN立体声深度估计 7. Continuous depth estimation for multi-view stereo [O] . Yebin Liu, Xun Cao, Qionghai Dai...
UniMVSNet is a learning-based multi-view stereo model, which has a unified depth representation to not only achieve sub-pixel depth estimation but also constrain the cost volume directly. To excavate the potential of our novel representation, we designed a Unified Focal Loss to combat the challen...
360MVSNet: Deep Multi-view Stereo Network with 360◦ Images for Indoor Scene Reconstruction Ching-Ya Chiu1 Yu-Ting Wu2 I-Chao Shen3 Yung-Yu Chuang1 1National Taiwan University 2National Taipei University 3The University of Tokyo Abstract Recent multi-view...