Multi-view point cloud registration is a hot topic in the communities of multimedia technology and artificial intelligence (AI). In this paper, we propose a framework to reconstruct the 3D models by the multi-view point cloud registration algorithm with adaptive convergence threshold, and ...
all the point clouds are basically unified in the same coordinate system, as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. In order to obtain better global results, it is necessary to perform global registration optimization on the point cloud after rough matching. ...
edge, the first end-to-end data driven multiview point cloud registration algorithm. Our method takes a set of po- tentially overlapping point clouds as input and outputs a global/absolute transformation matrix for each of the input scans (Fig. 1). We depart from a traditional two-stage...
tancematrix.Finally,themulti-viewpointcloudsarestitchedbyusingthemethodofleastsquarestosolvethecoordi- natetransformationmatrix.Throughtheexperimentalcomparison,thepointcloudregistrationalgorithmisobviouslysupe- riortothetraditionalmethod,finallystitchingprecisionisverified.Multi-viewpointcloudsstitchingexperimentsshow ...
[CVPR 2023] Robust Multiview Point Cloud Registration with Reliable Pose Graph Initialization and History Reweighting - XC-Young/SGHR
Current studies often decompose multiview registration into several individual tasks, ignoring the correlation between each stage and making certain assumptions on noise distribution without knowledge from previous stages. These issues bring difficulties in generalization to real cases. In this paper, we pr...
Point cloud registration is a fundamental problem in 3D computer vision. Outdoor LiDAR point clouds are typically large-scale and complexly distributed, wh... V Ferrari,M Hebert,C Sminchisescu,... 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 加载更多研究点推荐 point clouds Multi-View Descriptors multi-view local...
registrationfree view pointiterate closest point methodIJCSIThe paper proposed a new 3-D measurement point cloud splicing algorithm. The algorithm utilizes registration ideal in model identification technology to realize unbound and accurate splicing of 3-D data. First, sample the overlapping areas in ...
Shi GG, Wang F, Cheng XJ, Li QL (2008) Optimal station position number for terrestrial laser scanning multi-view point cloud registration. J Dalian Marit Univ 34(03):64–66 (in Chinese)S. Guigang, W. Feng, and C. Xiaojun, "Optimal station position number for terrestrial laser scanning ...
3.3. Coarse-to-Fine Registration 受HRegNet [24] 的启发,我们构建了一个基于 LSEM 的对应网络。它由一个 LSEM 模块和一个带有 Sigmoid 函数的 3 层 MLP 组成。 PT中的关键点及其在PS中的模糊对应点形成一个簇。 簇的特征的获取方式与之前相同。 我们将聚类特征输入 LSEM 以生成新的对应点,并将相应特征的...