Cross-view fusion: 作者使用了3种不同的融合方法,中间的隐藏维度d,在不同view可以是不同的。 从大view上的token,到小view上的token。因为中间的影藏大小可能不同,所以需要一个转化: bottleneck tokens和MLP 也是将zi和zi+1的token融合到一起。 Global encoder 将所有的class token一起用transformer处理。 实验 ...
This paper proposes a novel cross-view Transformer-based approach for multi-view 3D reconstruction. Our method introduces a cross-view Transformer encoder that achieves effective interaction of information across views. We also develop a global-aware token fusion module to compress multi-view features ...
Transformer key idea主要是来源于:Attentionis all you need一文;本文每个层之间的 Transformer takes as inputa sequenceconsisting ofdiscrete tokens, each represented by a featurevector. The feature vector is supplemented bya positional encodingto incorporatepositional inductivebiases 总的来说就是 emmm 我用...
key idea主要是来源于:Attention is all you need 一文;本文每个层之间的 Transformer takes as input a sequence consisting of discrete tokens, each represented by a feature vector. The feature vector is supplemented by a positional encoding to incorporate positional inductive biases...
在transformer的输入信息中,除了每个stage输出的token,还需要融合位置编码,显然尺寸和cat之后的特征相同,初次之外还融合了当前自车的速度信息,即将速度标量线性映射成长度为C的特征向量后叠加到输入上。 为了降低计算规模,从feature map中提取token时可以采用平均池化的方式减少token的数量,然后再在与分支叠加时使用上采样...
Therefore, we propose TransFuser, a novel Multi-Modal Fusion Transformer, to integrate image and LiDAR representations using attention. We experimentally validate the efficacy of our approach in urban settings involving complex scenarios using the CARLA urban driving simulator. Our approach achieves state...
Multi-Modal Fusion Transformer for End-to-End Autonomous Driving Aditya Prakash*1 Kashyap Chitta*1,2 Andreas Geiger1,2 1Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tu¨bingen 2University of Tu¨bingen {firstname.lastname} Abstract How should representatio...
2. Multi-View Adaptive Fusion Network 2.1. Ambiguity Function In modern radar systems, the matched filter is often used in the receiver chain to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The ambiguity function (AF) [23] of a waveform represents the output of the matched filter when the spe...
T5 - Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer T0 - Multitask Prompted Training Enables Zero-Shot Task Generalization OPT - Open Pre-trained Transformer Language Models. UL2 - a unified framework for pretraining models that are universally effective across datasets and setups. GLM- GLM is a General ...
文章推荐: [1] Multi-Modal Fusion Transformer for End-to-End Autonomous Driving, CVPR 2021 [github] CES这周新闻不断,各种无人驾驶方案,新的造车者入局,…