9th gradehigh school reformRCTIn this paper, we report results from a multisite, student-level randomized controlled trial that examined the impact of the Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR) model on ninth-grade students. The BARR model is a comprehensive, strength-based approach that uses ...
To address these needs, the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) was a landmark NIH-sponsored, 27-center randomized clinical trial that tested a lock-step lifestyle intervention program for persons who were at risk of developing T2DM. The DPP was found to be effective for promoting body mass ...
The maximum state variations are used to obtain the normalized state variables, as in Equations (9)–(12), and the cost function is given by Equation (13). Δdc2max=2iC2 TsΔdc2max=2iC2 Ts (9) Δdc3max=2iC3 TsΔdc3max=2iC3 Ts (10) Δdc4max=2iC4 TsΔdc4max=2iC4 Ts...
quadratic equations when 1 root is given matlab solve Algebra 1 practice problems 2 step equations when a polynomial is not factorable rational simplify square root help solving rational expressions solve simultaneous equations online printable chart of common perfect suares and sguare roots ...
The seismic hazard is expressed in terms of ground motions generated at a site by controlling earthquake. The characteristics of the controlling earthquake are generally defined by one or more ground motion parameters that are estimated using ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs). Peak ground acc...
This case study documents a multi-level consultation regarding a district-led initiative, designed to increase the number of students starting 10th grade on track for on-time high school graduation. The case study focuses on one neighborhood high school (9th grade student N = 440) in an urban...
Step 1. Finding the grey relational grade. A normalized matrix of fitness values is constructed to circumvent distortions caused by larger sample values of any element. The fitness value 𝑓𝑖(𝑥 𝑖) of an individual particle, having six attributes 𝑓𝑖∈(𝑥 𝑖){𝑓𝑖1(𝑥𝑖...
By considering the above equations, the overall loss function is presented: ℒ𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙=ℒ𝑠𝑢𝑝+𝜆ℒ𝑎𝑑𝑣.Ltotal=Lsup+λLadv. (5) where 𝜆λ is the balancing parameter and 𝜆=0.01λ=0.01 in the experiments. 4. Experiment and Discussion In this section, ...
The given grades were converted into fuzzy numbers using Table 5, and the primary equations’ direct matrix was formed. Then, averaging was performed from the primary matrix, and the average matrixes (𝐴̃A˜) were obtained. In the next step, the average matrixes were normalized, and ...
Fixed and random effect solutions are obtained by solving the linear mixed model equations: [𝑋′𝑅−1𝑋𝑍′𝑅−1𝑋𝑋′𝑅−1𝑍𝑍′𝑅−1𝑍+𝐺−1][𝑏̂𝑢̂]=[𝑋′𝑅−1𝑦𝑍′𝑅−1𝑦][X′R−1XX′R−1ZZ′R−1XZ′R−1Z+G−1]...