在Actor-Critic原理一文中进行了策略梯度的推导,本文将Actor-Critic进一步扩展到Multi-Agent的设定下,内容主要参考论文Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive Environments。 目录 Motivation 背景 方法 1. Motivation 多智能体协同/竞争的场景很常见,大约可以分成3大类:合作、竞争、竞合和自利。 1)...
主要的原因是:AC分为actor,critic,如果实际使用中不进行训练的话,那么on-line与off-line的共同点就是actor,所以这里的actor我可以设计的尽可能通用,比如只采用自己的observation,\pi_i(a|o_i),然后将额外的信息交给critic,让critic能够帮助policy算出更准确的梯度 所以说从原来的:\nabla_{\theta_i}J(\theta_i...
即在训练的时候,引入可以观察全局的critic来指导actor训练,而测试的时候只使用有局部观测的actor采取行动。 此外作者还采取了两种改进方式,个人感觉不是重点。1. 不假设训练的时候知道其他agent的策略,而是通过预测的方式获得。2. 采用策略集成的方法提升稳定性。 具体方法 该方法和DDPG方法其实很类似,...
其中,\mu’ 代表用来估计策略的 target network。注意到,公式(7)可以完全在线的执行,before updatingQμiQiμ, the centralized Q function, 我们采取每一个 agentj的最新的样本,from the replay buffer to perform a single gradient step to updateϕjiϕij。另外,在上述公式中,我们直接将每个 agent 的动作...
The actor-critic algorithm of Barto and others for simulation-based optimization of Markov decision processes is cast as a two time scale stochastic approximation. Convergence analysis, approximation issues and an example are studied. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an instituti...
We then present an adaptation of actor-critic methods that considers action policies of other agents and is able to successfully learn policies that require complex multi-agent coordination. Additionally, we introduce a training regimen utilizing an ensemble of policies for each agent that leads to ...
We present an actor-critic algorithm that trains decentralized policies in multi-agent settings, using centrally computed critics that share an attention mechanism which selects relevant information for each agent at every timestep. This attention mechanism enables more effective and scalable learning in...
Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive Environments 读书笔记,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
actor-criticself-attentionThe rapid development of deep reinforcement learning makes it widely used in multi-agent environments to solve the multi-agent cooperation problem. However, due to the instability of multi-agent environments, the performance is insufficient when using deep reinforcement learning ...
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