在利用 IMU、摄像头和水深对 SLAM 系统进行初始化后,SLAM 系统使用图像检测特征并随时间跟踪特征;使用 IMU 检测运动;使用深度传感器和 DPP 声纳传感器--所有这些传感器都被送入一个局部优化框架,以最小化为每个传感器定义的误差项。 基于词袋的闭环机制可纠正随时间累积的漂移。 图3显示了由立体摄像机、IMU、压力传...
This paper proposes a multisensor fusion algorithm that improves the RBPF-SLAM algorithm by addressing the issues of particle distribution errors and degradation. To achieve this, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) is first adopted to effectively fuse odometry and inertial navigation ...
《Lvio-Fusion: A Self-adaptive Multi-sensor Fusion SLAM Framework Using Actor-critic Method》(IROS 2021) Motivation这篇文章整体结构是基于图优化的多传感器融合框架,但是基于这个基础上,首先基于城市环境的累积漂移问题,他做了GPS+回环的分段检测,其次针对多传感器融和的权重问题,它采用了强化学习的actor-critic算...
In view of these, a multi-sensor tightly coupled SLAM system using lidar, camera and inertial measurement unit is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the system improves the schemes of the feature extraction of lidar point cloud and plane fitting and enhances the efficiency and accuracy of the ...
In this contribution, an engineering solution for multi-sensor fusion simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is proposed for both indoor and outdoor scenarios, targeting at enhanced robustness, accuracy, and scene adaptability. It consists of three powerful schemes. A scheme-switching mechanism is...
1.基于ORBSLAM初步完成特征点提取,匹配,外点剔除等,测试有效。 Aug 8, 2019 Multi-Sensor Fusion 版本号:release/3.0.0 初衷 程序依赖 glog Eigen OpenCV 3.4 Ceres 使用说明 最新稳定测试版本对应为release/3.0.0分支 Multi-Sensor Fusion使用了submodules形式挂载了tools,因此clone完本程序需要更新tools ...
this study presents a novel Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)-centered multi-sensor fusion SLAM algorithm (IFAL-SLAM) integrating Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), vision, and IMU, based on factor graph elimination optimization ( I MU-centered multi-sensor F usion, A daptive L agrangian metho...
LiDAR localization Multi-sensor fusion Moving object segmentation Deep learning Autonomous driving 1. Introduction Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), one of the essential functions of robots, has been rapidly developed in recent decades. Researchers have proposed many SLAM systems based on camer...
最新稳定测试版本对应为release/3.0.0分支 Multi-Sensor Fusion使用了submodules形式挂载了tools,因此clone完本程序需要更新tools git checkout -b release/3.0.0 origin/release/3.0.0 git submodule init git submodule update 已经安装完依赖库后,可以直接编译程序 mkdir build && cd build cmake .. && make -...
A Robust and Modular Multi-Sensor Fusion ApproachApplied to MAV Navigation 众所周知,将来自多个传感器的信息融合用于机器人导航导致增加的鲁棒性和准确性。然而,在现场部署之前准确校准传感器集合以及传感器中断,不同的测量速率和延迟,使得多传感器融合成为挑战。因此,为了简单起见,大多数系统都没有利用所有可用的传感器...