MultiScaleRoIAlign(['feat1', 'feat3'], 3, 2) >>> i = OrderedDict() >>> i['feat1'] = torch.rand(1, 5, 64, 64) >>> i['feat2'] = torch.rand(1, 5, 32, 32) # this feature won't be used in the pooling >>> i['feat3'] = torch.rand(1, 5, 16, 16) >>> #...
文章指出这种信息可以通过Global Pooling来解决,但是Global Pooling得到的一个一维向量显然丢失了空间信息(e.g. 目标的相对位置没办法通过这样的一维向量表征) ROI特征的选择上有问题:FPN认为,融合后的底层信息包含较多与小目标相关的特征,并且尺度大,信息更细腻,对小目标更敏感,因此在底层特征中输出的往往是小目标的...
作者用的是基于RoIAlign的LabelPooling方法。算法流程图如图3所示。 Fig3. Relabel Pseudo Code. Results 其他的实验结果就不说了,这里写一下做的和KD的对比实验。可以看出方法的好处是在更少的时间可以获得和KD接近或者更好的效果。 Fig4. Comparison with KD. Thoughts 一些数据集虽然是single label的,但是图像...
We improve the Faster R-CNN by replacing ROIpoolings with ROIAligns to remove the harsh quantization of RoIPool and we design multi-ROIAligns by adding different sizes' pooling(Aligns operation) in order to adapt to different sizes of objects. Furthermore, we adopt multi-feature fusion to ...
Ma et al. [14] introduced ROI Align in the segmentation head part based on Mask R-CNN to generate and combine multi-scale feature information for segmenting the right and left lobes of the thyroid gland, isthmus, muscle, trachea, carotid artery, jugular vein, esophagus, and cricoid cartilage...
In the process of context feature extraction, we need to carry out RoI Pooling on three-scale RoIs to obtain the fixed-scale. Next, after L2 normalization, cascade, 1 × 1 convolution dimension reduction for these three RoIs, we finally obtain the feature map of comprehensive object context ...
The RoI mean pooling operator is mod- ified from RoI align described in [16]. By default, we use pre-trained weights learned on ImageNet [9] dataset for the initialization of our network. In addition, the input of models trained on ImageNet is a single three-channel RGB image. To ...
In federated learning, the heterogeneity of statistical data is a crucial research issue. FedAvg is one of the pioneering works to address this issue, using weighted averaging of local weights based on local training scale and has been widely recognized as a baseline for federated learning [60]....
For RGB images, we align the X and Y axes to image coordinates and the Z axis is optical axis of the camera. We also rescale the ROI to a fixed scale for the CNN, so we further adjust the Z value of each pixel to Z′ such that image scale is consistent to the depth value: Z...