F. Costa, A graph-based approach for multiscale shape analysis, Pattern Recognition 37 (6) (2004) 1163-1174.TORRES, R. S.; FALCAO, A. X.; COSTA, L. F. A Gra- ph-Based Approach for Multiscale Shape Analysis. Pattern Recognition, n. 37, p. 1163-1174, 2004....
Multi-scale Cell Instance Segmentation with Keypoint Graph Based Bounding Boxes github | arxiv1|1细胞分割的难点细胞边界的低分辨率 背景杂质 细胞粘附 细胞聚集 1|2相关工作DCAN 提出将细胞轮廓叠在分割结果上,由于touching cell间的模糊轮廓,这会产生over-segmentation...
针对人体执行动作时可能存在的小幅度姿态调整和局部运动差异,使用EdgeConv模块能够捕捉到节点之间的关系,有助于更好地理解图数据的拓扑结构。EdgeConv模块包括以下主要步骤:输入特征X经过时间池化后,输入到Get graph_feature模块获得每个节点的局部图特征。使用KNN算法计算每个节点与其K个最近邻节点之间的关系,构建包含这种关...
这篇文章提出了一种基于多尺度图卷积网络的3D人体运动预测方法——dynamic multiscale graph neural network (DMGNN)。该网络结构分为编码器和解码器,其中编码器由一系列多尺度图计算单元(multiscale graph computational unit,MGCU)组成,解码器由图时序门单元(graph-based GRU)组成。该方法通过MGCU提取不同尺度的人...
scPoli offers a cell-level and a sample-level view of the dataset enabling multi-scale analysis: the simultaneous exploration of sample and cell representations. scPoli uses prototype-based cell label transfer and is augmented with an uncertainty estimation mechanism. We demonstrate that scPoli is ...
Lighter and faster: A multi-scale adaptive graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognitionLightweightAction recognition... Y Jiang,H Deng - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence: The International Journal of Intelligent Real-Time Automation 被引量: 0发表: 2024年 Multi-scal...
论文标题:Multi-Scale Contrastive Siamese Networks for Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning论文作者:Ming Jin, Yizhen Zheng, Yuan-Fang Li, Chen Gong, Chuan Zhou, Shirui Pan论文来源:2021, IJCAI论文地址:download 论文代码:download 1 Introduction...
We introduce UniCell: Deconvolve Base (UCDBase), a pre-trained, interpretable, deep learning model to deconvolve cell type fractions and predict cell identity across Spatial, bulk-RNA-Seq, and scRNA-Seq datasets without contextualized reference data. UCD
The code of AGCN (Attention-driven Graph Clustering Network), which is accepted by ACM MM 2021. feature-fusiondeep-clusteringmulti-scale-featuresattention-based-mechanism UpdatedAug 16, 2024 Python An image classification neural network using multi scale features. ...
引言: 现有的帕金森临床实践面临两个问题: 由训练有素的专家对运动进行全面评估至少需要半小时,所获得的结果在主观评分者之间也有很大区别 出行限制,有限的专家和过多的患者,专家无法及时跟进病情。 此外由于新冠的影响,客观而自动化的用于帕金森患者远程监控的评估系统是迫切需要的。