of lldb "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/llvm/bin/lldb-dap" ], "name": "lldb" }, "configuration": { "request": "launch", "program": "${workspaceRoot}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}", "args": [ "*${args}" ], "stopOnEntry": true, "runInTerminal": true, "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}" } }...
Electromagnetism is at the root of what it means. It's a force that's all around us, From the compass to the light switch. With its power, it can do much, From a simple needle to a rocket's thrust. It's a force we can't deny, For it's a part of our lives. Electromagnetism...
Our main hypothesis here was that by extending LNM using a multimodal strategy, similar to recent work49combining information of lesion disconnectivity of functional and structural networks, it would facilitate a better understanding of the synergistic contributions of individual modalities to explain mult...
Fig. 6: 2D/3D surface morphology and carrier extraction. aAFM height images with root mean square (RMS) roughness andbSEM images of films treated with different ligand solutions.cPL lifetimes and fits for the same films with (\({T}_{q}\), quenched) and without (\(T\), unquenched) a ...
Many see authentic leadership as the prototype of such an alternative approach—a kind of “root concept” that forms the basis for other positive leadership behaviors like transformational or ethical leadership (e.g., Ilies, Morgeson, & Nahrgang, 2005). Stemming from the Greek word authentik...
(e.g., doing so would require seven additional interaction terms to be introduced to an already complex model) and interpretation of other findings (e.g., doing so would affect the meaning of the main time * GBG interaction such that it would refer to females not at risk in the ...
It's very important for the decision-maker that he must have an understanding of the true meaning of weights and its computation. So, the involvement of weights of importance in MOO problems is a crucial phase of the entire optimization process. The weights to responses in MOO can be ...
which can be provided by a single command. The commonly used options for each feature can be integrated into root flags to distinguish between the options for specific features and their corresponding flags. Thus, users can easily understand the meaning of flags and avoid navigating through duplicat...
At the same time, if you don’t know the exact terms, or you are interested in a broader topic, meaning or synonym, no matter what exact terms are used, then keyword search will fail you. - works with text data only - unable to capture context, meaning and semantic similarity - low...
The first strand has a depth of 0, meaning it has reached the root The first strand's nodeHash is equal to the trusted rootWhile processing commands, implementations should be creating nodes along the way for later querying. Technically this is optional and an implementation could just verify ...