14941. [Classes 7 (ii) and 7 (vi).] In a multicylinder twostroke oil engine in which the charge is supplied by a pump through a passage a, extending along the row of cylinders, and non-return valves, blocks d, housing the valves, are removable along their retaining studs e through ...
Brennan, Elmer W. Hall, James G. Application Number: US55743456A Publication Date: 01/02/1962 Filing Date: 01/05/1956 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: PURE OIL CO Primary Class: 123/1A Other Classes: ...
Multicycle Reduction and Oxidation of Different Types of Iron Oxide ParticlesApplication to Chemical-Looping Combustion Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is a combustion technology with inherent separation of the greenhouse gas CO2. The technique involves the use of a metal ... T Mattisson,M ...
where CR denotes the consistency ratio and CI represents the consistency index. The consistency index values are given in XX. The lower the CI, the more consistent the comparisons are. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) The AHP, which was introduced by Saaty (1977), determines the weights of cr...
2003). We calculated a multi-criteria performance index through factor analysis considering the following variables: rice equivalent yield, energy efficiency, partial N productivity, partial K productivity, partial GHG footprint, benefit-cost ratio, and hired labor energy productivity. Total energy ...
$$\begin{array}{cc}\mathrm{Consistency\ ratio}=& \frac{\xi }{\mathrm{Consistency\ ratio}}\end{array}$$ (17) CI-FBWM is calculated in the current study. For trapezoidal fuzzy linguistic terms, the consistency index (FCI) is as follows: $${\xi }^{2}-\left(1+{2a}_{\mathrm{BW...
Although lower reinjection temperature leads to premature thermal breakthrough, it also points to a high utilization ratio of geothermal resources. Therefore, reinjection temperature must be controlled reasonably in geothermal heating projects. 4.1.3. Effect of Production Rate The production rate is the ...
Table 2. Anisotropy ratio of SOM at different scales. Under isotropic conditions, the structural properties of the SOM at different scales were fitted, and the theoretical semivariance function and test parameters are shown in Table 3. The spatial variation structure of the SOM at the L and ...
T2 tip 2 of the right auxiliary crack - T3 tip 3 of the right auxiliary crack - VCCT virtual crack closure technique - X circumferential position - Y radial position - 𝛾𝑙γl ratio of the initial length of the main crack lm to the initial length of the auxiliary crack la - 𝛾...
The objective functions of the multiobjective optimization model are the exergy efficiency defined by the ratio of the exergy destroyed and lost in each subsystem (Equation (28)) and the superheated steam production (Equation (20)) in the boiler (𝜂𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟; 𝑚˙7 )ηboiler...