3、EKF-多传感器融合(Multi-Sensors Fusion) 自动驾驶对车辆的状态(Vehicle State)的描述一般包括:位置(Position,一般为三维空间坐标x、y、z)、速度( )、朝向(四元数,x,y,z,w),它是一个10维向量。 自动驾驶汽车一般包含多个Camera、3D 激光雷达(Lidar)、惯性测量单元(IMU)、多个Radar、GPS/GNSS Reciver、轮...
Design of the Airborne Multi-sensor Fusion Architecture 一种机载多传感器融合架构的设计 service.ilib.cn 9. A Study on the Test Platform for Multi- Sensor Fusion Train Speed and Position Measurement 多传感器融合列车测速定位实验平台的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Improved algorithm of friend or foe identifi...
After analyzing the weakness of traditional train single-sensor speed and position system, this paper designs a platform of INS/ODO/velocity sensor/Balise integration train speed and position system which is based on multi-sensor fusion technology. The system combines hardware and software platform. ...
Multi-Sensor Fusion with Interacting Multiple Model Filter for Improved Aircraft Position Accuracy The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has decided to adopt Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) as ... T Cho,C Lee,S Choi - 《Sensors》 被引量...
In this paper, a new multi-sensor calibration approach, called iterative registration and fusion (IRF), is presented. The key idea of this approach is to use surfaces reconstructed from multiple point clouds to enhance the registration accuracy and robustness. It calibrates the relative position an...
In this section, we verified the localization performance of our fusion frame on three public datasets, KITTI, KITTI-360, and LILI-OM Livox. 4.3.1. KITTI dataset To evaluate the difference between our framework’s ground-truth trajectory and estimated trajectory position, we calculated the absolut...
convergencealgorithmbasedonmulti鄄sensorfusiontechnologyisproposed,thesystemcombinesinertial measurementwithEMTtechnology,appliesquaterniondifferentialequationandtwo鄄vectorerrorconvergencemodel togetthestableattitudeoutput;TheconvergencemodelisconstructedbyFQA(FactoredQuaternionAlgorithm) methodconvergingthedrifterrorcausedby3鄄...
原文连接:[1711.05805v1] Robust and Precise Vehicle Localization based on Multi-sensor Fusion in Diverse City Scenes (arxiv.org) 基于多传感器融合的车辆在不同城市场景下鲁棒精确定位 摘要 我们提出了一个鲁棒和精确的定位系统,实现厘米级的定位精度在不同的城市场景。我们的系统自适应地使用来自互补传感器(如...
Tracking a Mobile Robot Position Using Vision and Inertial Sensor sensor fusionvisioninertial sensorWheeled mobile robots are still the first choice when it comes to industrial or domotic applications. The robot's navigation... F Coito,A Eleutério,S Valtchev - Springer Berlin Heidelberg 被引量: 1...
In this paper a new, real-time technique is proposed, which estimates the 4D-path (3D-position + time) uncertainty of an arbitrary path in space. Here a hybrid system estimator is applied in conjunction with the kinematic measurement model. This method can be applied to processes, which ...