本文提出了一种名为Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Attention Network (MKGAT)的模型。 模型的输入输出分别是: 输入:数据集的协同知识图谱。 输出:用户向量e∗ueu∗和物品向量e∗iei∗。最终,模型预测的用户uu对物品ii的感兴趣程度^y(u,i)y^(u,i)由公式^y(u,i)=e∗ Tue∗iy^(u,i)=eu∗ ...
5.1Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Embedding Figure 4中呈现的encoder的具体信息是: 然后propagation layer的使用方式:知识图谱的结构学习是使用TransE模型(h+r≈t),然后这里的aggregation方式是不aggregation邻居=>而是aggregate多模态实体来传播更新特征。 这里的propagation是在于传播三元组的embedding,公式如下: 这里的pai就...
在讨论子模块之前,我们首先介绍了两个关键组件:多模态知识图谱实体编码器(multi-modal knowledge graph entity encoder)和多模态知识图谱注意层(multi-modal knowledge graph attention layer),它们是KG嵌入模块和推荐模块的基本构建块。 •多模态知识图谱实体编码器,使用不同的编码器嵌入每种特定的数据类型。 •多模...
【论文笔记】RippleNet : 知识图谱+用户偏好传播的推荐系统 notanumbb 开放知识图谱构建调研 一、OpenIE stanford-openie支持最新的CoreNLP库4.5.3(截至2023-03-10)。 开放信息提取(Open IE)是指从纯文本中提取结构化关系三元组,这样就不需要预先指定这些关系的模式。例如,巴拉克奥… Malwarehunter 好棒的知识图谱:...
Considering a multi-modal knowledge graph (MKG), due to the introduction of considerable other modal information(such as images and texts), the complexity of KGs further increases, which degrades the effectiveness of representation learning. To resolve this solve the problem, this study proposed ...
Traditional knowledge graphs (KG) representation learning focuses on the link information between entities, and the effectiveness of learning is influenced by the complexity of KGs. Considering a multi-modal knowledge graph (MKG), due to the introduction of considerable other modal information(such as...
Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options main 1Branch0Tags Code README MIT license SNAG In this work, we introduce aUnified Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph (MMKG) Representation Frameworkthat incorporates tailored training objectives for Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Completion...
🙌 This repository collects papers integrating Knowledge Graphs (KGs) and Multi-Modal Learning, focusing on research in two principal aspects: KG-driven Multi-Modal (KG4MM) learning, where KGs support multi-modal tasks, and Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph (MM4KG), which extends KG studies into ...
The Richpedia resource is accessible on the Web via a faceted query endpoint, which provides a pathway for knowledge graph and computer vision tasks, such as link prediction and visual relation detection. 展开 关键词: Knowledge graph Multi-modal Wikidata Ontology ...
一些著名的基于图像的视觉知识提取系统如表2a所示,可用于通过图像标记构建MMKG。根据要链接的符号类别,将图像链接到符号的过程可分为几个细分任务:视觉实体/概念提取(第3.1.1节)、视觉关系提取(第3.1.2节)和视觉事件提取(第3.1.3节)。 (2)用KG标记图像。