数据集信息Multi-Label Retinal Diseases(MuReD)数据集共有2451张多标签的视网膜眼底图像,涉及20个类别,分别为糖网病(Diabetic Retinopathy,DR)图像,正常(NORMAL)图像,屈光介质混浊(Media Haze,MH)…
We also found MG may be involved in choroid/retina disorders, retinal detachments/breaks, and retinal problems, suggesting non-neuronal cell types, particularly glia cells, may be critical for neuronal diseases [50]. MG and astrocyte are macroglia cells in the retina and play essential roles ...
When handling model outputs, it converts the multi-label classification task into multiple binary classification tasks. This conversion artificially disrupts the correlations between different retinal diseases, which is inconsistent with the clinical practice of doctors who consider the interconnections ...
We map eQTL, caQTL, allelic-specific expression, and allelic-specific chromatin accessibility in major retinal cell types. By integrating these results, we identify and characterize regulatory elements and genetic variants effective on gene regulation in individual cell types. The majority of identified...