注意任何一个二进制附件都应该被叫做application/octet- stream。这个头的一些用例为:image/jpg, application/mswork,multipart/mixed,这只是很少的一部分。 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 这是所有头中最重要的一个,因为它说明了对数据所执行的编码方式,客 户/MUA 将用它对附件进行解码。对于每个附件,可以使用7bit,8b...
For each image (row entry in CSV), there must be one and only one label for each task cell. An example for train.csv with 3 classification tasks (color, type and size) is like following: fname color type size 1.jpg Blue 1 Big 2.jpg Red 1 Small 3.jpg Red 0 Small Note: ...
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minioadmin # Set to the URL of the load balancer for the MinIO deployment # This value *must* match across all MinIO servers. If you do # not have a load balancer, set this value to to any *one* of the # MinIO hosts in the deployment as a temporary measure. M...
Hi, My boss has asked me to convert a large number of multiple-page pdfs into multiple-page jpgs. I have been able to convert the pdfs to jpgs in photo shop - 6872009
One desirable feature of a media server would be to be able to have some level of control over the state and properties of the different streams being processed. RidgeRun’sGstDis an open source project, a multithreaded Linux daemon that handles the GStreamer framework. GstD provides agst-launc...
13 apps and ever-growing All In One - Multi Tool application collection. Basic: - Image Flip - Image Rotate - Text Sorter Premium: - Email extractor - HEIC to JPG - Image Converter - Image Exif Remover - Image Scaling - Image Thumbnails - PDF Export Pages - PDF Merge - Text Random...
# 实例化模型net=SSD(cfg)# 使用cpu或gpunet.to('cuda')# 模型从权重文件中加载权重net.load_pretrained_weight('Weights/pretrained/vgg_ssd300_voc0712.pkl')# 打开图片image=Image.open("Images/000133.jpg")# 进行检测, 分别返回 绘制了检测框的图片数据/回归框/标签/分数.drawn_image,boxes,labels,scor...
image.jpg refacer.py requirements-COREML.txt requirements-GPU.txt requirements.txt script.py README MIT license 👉Watch demo on Youtube Refacer, a simple tool that allows you to create deepfakes with multiple faces with just one click! This project was inspired byRoopand is powered by the...
Because all Windows Phone OS 7.1 phones have the same resolution, you can lay out your content so that it looks good on one Windows Phone OS 7.1 phone, and know that it will look good on all Windows Phone OS 7.1 phones. You don’t have to consider the internals of how each control ...
To run batched inference with YOLOv5 and PyTorch Hub: import torch # Model model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s') # Images dir = 'https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/raw/master/data/images/' imgs = [dir + f for f in ('zidane.jpg', 'bus.jpg')] # batch...