代码:https://github.com/BellyBeauty/MDSAM 论文的研究动机就是使用SAM来解决显著性检测(SOD)问题,主要有两个改进: 提出了Lightweight Multi-Scale Adapter, LMSA来微调SAM 提出了Multi-Level Fusion Module, MLFM 和 Detail Enhancement Module, DEM,分别改善了SAM在多尺度和细粒度感知方面的性能。 网络的整体架...
Overview: 如下图所示,此文所提出的模型由四部分构成,分别为 dynamic graph constructor, primary block, auxiliary block 和 multifaceted fusion module. 其中 primary block 和 auxiliary block 由temporal convolution 和 dynamic graph conv组成。其中四个部分堆叠L层并且进行skip connection。 Dynamic Graph Constructio...
In the multi-fusion module, we add the high-resolution representation (conv2, conv3) to low-resolution representation (conv5). The features from conv2 and conv3 are downsampled by two and one 3 × 3 convolution layer, respectively to match the resolution of conv5. Before concatenation...
其实实验部分也可以看看 以carla leaderboard提出的指标来对比的,值得一提的是做了ablation study 消融实验(俗称控制变量法)来证明multi-scale fusion、attention layers、positional embedding都是必要的结论部分主要是 总结一下:我证明了现有的传感器融合方法来的模仿学习存在比较高的违规率(撞人 闯红灯啥的),我们提出了...
FusionModule2000 6.0 Smart Modular Data Center Commissioning Guide C:01520092,02232DSL;M:FusionModule2000C,FusionModule2000 6.0 About This Document Safety Information Preparations for Power-On Commissioning Check Before Power-On Power-On Commissioning Process Commissioning the Power Supply an...
module is designed, which establishes a long-term dependence between modals to reduce the modal differences. Then, a weight-aware module with multiple inputs and multiple outputs is designed to improve the weighted fusion mechanism, and obtain more discriminant fusion features. The experiments are ...
In this paper, we propose a Contrastive Learning and Multi-Layer Fusion (CLMLF) method for multimodal sentiment detection. Specifically, we first encode text and image to obtain hidden representations, and then use a multi-layer fusion module to align and fuse the token-level features of text ...
imported_tmp = import_module(imp) File "/home/liml24/anaconda3/envs/bevfusion/lib/python3.8/importlib/init.py", line 127, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1014, in _gcd_import ...
融合传感器的 Multi-Model Fusion Transformaer auto-regressive waypoint prediction network [ ] 应该说的是右下角那块? 2.1 输入 LiDAR PointCloud 将点云转成2-bin柱状图 (然后偷摸去查了一下他们的reference 45PRECOG: PREdiction Conditioned On Goals in Visual Multi-Agent Settings 十分眼熟) ...
对空间融合模块(Spatial Fusion Module,SFM)进行的分析,包括两个方面的实验:对协同注意力结构的剔除研究和对提出的细粒度身体部位融合(Fine-grained Body Parts Fusion,FBPF)策略的剔除实验。1. **协同注意力结构的剔除研究:** - 在实验中,作者通过剔除不同的交叉注意力块来进行消融研究,比较了仅使用单一模态的交...