结合SimCSE和Multi-sample Dropout,大家不难发现,现在NLP界的数据扩充,最流行的就是dropout。dropout相比于其他扩充方法来说,实在是太便捷快速。不过不知道以dropout进行数据扩充的这条路还能走多远?大家拭目以待。 **PS:图2例子中multi-sample dropout只使用了两个dropout样本,在实际使用中,我们可以根据验证集效果来...
1、multi-sample dropout 在一次前向传播中对同一批数据 dropout 两次和对同一批数据前向传播两次有啥区别? 既然multi-sample dropout是有效的,那么肯定是有区别的。设想要是没有区别,那么multi-sample dropout不就是增加了一倍的训练量吗。所以我们从结果推导理论,想想为啥multi-sample dropout有效。 我的想法是multi...
训练时,Dropout 往(某些层的)输入加上了乘性噪声。而预测时,理论上,应该是对同一个输入多次传入模型中(模型不关闭Dropout),然后把多次的预测结果平均值作为最终的预测结果。实际上,预测的时候用的是关闭Dropout的单模型,两者未必等价,这就是Dropout的训练预测不一致问题。 2)损失函数的设计,只有交叉熵。如果只有交...
如图所示,每个 dropout 样本都复制了原网络中 dropout 层和 dropout 后的几层,图中实例复制了「dropout」、「fully connected」和「softmax + loss func」层。在 dropout 层中,每个 dropout 样本使用不同的掩码来使其神经元子集不同,但复制的全连接层之间会共享参数(即连接权重),然后利用相同的损失函数,如交叉熵...
以下是一个使用Multi-Sample Dropout的例子: class MultiSampleDropout(nn.Module):def __init__(self, dropout_rate, num_samples):super(MultiSampleDropout, self).__init__()self.dropout_rate = dropout_rateself.num_samples = num_samplesdef forward(self, x):outputs = []for _ in range(self.num...
本文阐述的也是一种 dropout 技术的变形——multi-sample dropout。传统 dropout 在每轮训练时会从输入中随机选择一组样本(称之为 dropout 样本),而 multi-sample dropout 会创建多个 dropout 样本,然后平均所有样本的损失,从而得到最终的损失。这种方法只要在 dropout 层后复制部分训练网络,并在这些复制的全连接层之...
The results of this comparison indicate that ignoring student mobility can have strong implications on the predictors of dropout. Not only do models which take into account this mobility yield better model fits, models ignoring this mobility tend to miss the effect of school level variables. With ...
This paper proposes a new packet dropout compensation framework for networked multi-sensor systems. It is more general, which includes the existing popular mechanisms such as the zero-input and hold-input mechanisms as the special cases. Based on the proposed compensation framework, the centralized ...
This proposed 65 nm sub-1V multi-stage low-dropout (LDO) regulator aims to integrate of power management for SoC systems. The multi-stage structure can derive the high dc voltage gain from the short-channel core devices to insure the load/line regulation. The inserted flying capacitor used ...