Recent exercises in the Pacific have given the Army's new Multidomain Operations Task Force Pilot Program a wealth of opportunity to refine its doctrine.
Sometimes, a weakening of the universal domain assumption is im-plicitly present due to the structure of the problem, for example in =-=[17]-=- where a specific equitable task allocation problem is solved using a notion of k-... Y Shoham,M Tennenholtz - International Joint Conference on...
Answering this challenge is a multi-domain battle management system that connects, commands and controls the battlespace. That system is called DIAMONDShield™. DIAMONDShield™ is Operational and Fielded Today Operational and fielded today, DIAMONDShield™ serves as the “brains” of an operation...
Multi-Domain Battle: Achieving Cross-Domain Synergy Maneuver to positions of relative advantage and project power across all domains to ensure freedom of action. Integrate joint, interorganizational, and multinational capabilities to create windows of domain superiority and preserve Joint Force freedom of ...
DNS (Domain Name Server) Il protocollo DNS converte i nomi I telefoni Cisco IP Phone di dominio in indirizzi IP. dispongono di un client DNS per convertire i nomi di dominio in indirizzi IP. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) DHCP alloca e assegna DHCP è abilitato...
To ascertain the rationality and validity of the theoretical design, eigenfrequency and frequency domain analyses were performed using ANSYS software. This process aimed to verify the performance of the LT mode piezoelectric ultrasonic actuator. Additionally, to optimize and enhance the LT transducing effi...
As an initial step towards zero-shot task transfer, we are interested in understanding how WebText LM’s perform at zero-shot domain transfer on the primary task they are trained for – language modeling. Since our model operates on a byte level and does not require lossy pre-processing or...
Single organizations encounter intricate challenges in meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on their own and thus are increasingly concerned with forming ecosystems. This is also the case in the e-commerce domain. It is assumed that particularly focal actors of such ecosystems have...
AeroVironment, Inc. (NASDAQ: AVAV), a global leader in intelligent, multi-domain robotic systems, today announced the successful maritime demonstration of Interoperability to Interchangeability (I2I) operations by the U.S. Navy and Royal Navy using AeroVironment’...
Mission-specific tests conducted within the research facility allow the exploration of the specific challenges and requirements in a controlled environment. By leveraging the unique features of the Zero-G lab, we can ensure that the systems and procedures are well-adapted to the complexities of ...