American multi-domain operations concept, which can provide an initial answer. This article is closely related to the German Army concept paper "Land Forces in Multi-Domain Operations" (Landstreitkrafte in Multidimension-alen Operationen) of July 2021.Russia's regained military strength has brought ...
The Army this week published its latest iteration of the Multidomain Operations concept, which one general called a "more fleshed out" response to the National Defense Strategy's focus on the near-peer threats of Russia and China. Updating last year's Multidomain Battle 1.0, the slightly re-...
Northrop Grumman is supporting the U.S. Army and other services as they modernize the aviation fleet. Together, we are ensuring that all enduring and future platforms can fly, fight and prevail in the Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) environment. ...
Lt. Gen. Eric Wesley of Army Futures Command recently sat down with defense media to talk about how the Army’s multi-domain operation concept is being tested in pilot task forces, into training and eventually across the force. Multi-domain operations are the most recent ...
This page intentionally left blank TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-1 Foreword From the Chief of Staff of the Army America’s adversaries have studied US operations closely during Operations DESERT STORM, IRAQI FREEDOM, and ENDURING FREEDOM. They know the American
But the need to fully assess the multidomain battle concept is also teaching the Army that it needs to transform how it conducts future exercises by integrating emerging concepts, capabilities and threats into today’s exercises. The Army tested the multidomain operations concept as well as its ...
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Training and preparation for multi-domain operations is undoubtedly a challenge, particularly if you try to do so in a timely manner with real-world assets. It is incredibly difficult to gather air, ground, naval and space personnel and assets in a cybersecure environment and do it as quickly...
Recent exercises in the Pacific have given the Army's new Multidomain Operations Task Force Pilot Program a wealth of opportunity to refine its doctrine.