As a cloud computing services pioneer, we deliver proven multicloud solutions across your apps, data, and security. Maximize the benefits of modern cloud.
As a cloud computing services pioneer, we deliver proven multicloud solutions across your apps, data, and security. Maximize the benefits of modern cloud.
de Laat, Intercloud Architecture Framework for Heterogeneous Multi-Provider Cloud based Infrastructure Services Provisioning, The International Journal of Next-Generation Computing (IJNGC), Volume 4, Issue 2, July 2013.Demchenko, Y., M. Makkes, R.Strijkers, C.Ngo, C. de Laat, Intercloud ...
As a cloud computing services pioneer, we deliver proven multicloud solutions across your apps, data, and security. Maximize the benefits of modern cloud.
Multi-cloud infrastructure and operations deliver the flexibility to run workloads on any cloud that the business requires—and migrate, manage, and secure applications consistently regardless of where they are deployed. Done right, multi-cloud architecture enables enterprises to move fast, spend less,...
What does multi-cloud architecture look like with Cloudflare? Cloudflare sits between end users and cloud infrastructure. We are able to integrate with, secure, and accelerate traffic to any cloud provider, or for multiple cloud providers.
Since multi-cloud is increasingly the norm, organizations need to simplify the complexities introduced by utilizing multiple hyper-scale cloud providers as well as on-premises infrastructure. Each cloud provider has its own architecture, rules, and requirements. Multi-cloud infrastructure solutions must:...
What is multicloud storage? Multicloud storage is the use of multiple cloud storage services, either hosted in the public cloud, in a private cloud, or as standalone on-premise resources with cloud-like capabilities. It is part of a multicloud architecture, which combines services and resources...
In a multicloud approach, organizations may use public cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) for infrastructure, Microsoft Azure for platform, and Google Cloud Platform for development. While multicloud architecture provides critical benefits, it’s also more complex than a single-vendor...
A multicloud architecture is one that combines resources from more than one type of public orprivate cloud. For example, you may choose onepublic cloudservice provider based on a specific service-level agreement and pricing structure, and another for its geographic location. Likewise, you might ha...