Multi-class Text Classification using BERT-based Active Learning.Sumanth PrabhuMoosa MohamedHemant Misra
首先基于Dataset类创建QTagDataset类,以BERT模型所需的格式准备文本。 class QTagDataset (Dataset): def __init__(self,quest,tags, tokenizer, max_len): self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.text = quest self.labels = tags self.max_len = max_len def __len__(self): return len(self.text) def _...
classification-train.txt ├── 模型评估├── 数据编码器├── ├── model.jpg 模型示意图├── 模型文件├── nohup.out 训练日志├── 路径文件├── 模型预测├── 模型训练├── utils bert4keras工具包,也可pip...
实验证明SGM+BERT模型收敛比BERT快很多,混合模型的效果最好。 ·参考文献: [1] BERT for Sequence-to-Sequence Multi-Label Text Classification [2] SGM模型讲解,参考博客:【多标签文本分类】SGM: Sequence Generation Model for Multi-Label Classification [3] Bert模型讲解...
classifier_multi_label:multi-label,classifier,text classification,多标签文本分类,文本分类,BERT,ALBERT,multi-lab陆豪**战神 上传490KB 文件格式 zip text-classification tensorflow multi-label-classification albert bert 简介 1、本项目是在tensorflow版本1.14.0的基础上做的训练和测试。 2、本项目为中文的多标签...
Using this distribution, it defines a new expected confidence-based acquisition function for multi-label classification, aiming to choose uncertain samples that the model lacks confidence to predict. Moreover, experiments are conducted with a BERT-based MLTC model. The results on the benchmark ...
Text Classification 基于Keras的15种模型:TextCNN, TextRNN, TextDPCNN, TextRCNN, TextHAN, TextBert等及其变种 支持5类特征及其组合:word-level, char-level, 结构化特征(TFIDF, LSA), Context特征(word-left, word-right, char-left, char-right), sentence-level 支持4种分类任务:单标签二分类,单标签多...
X-BERT: eXtreme Multi-label Text Classification with BERT Wei-Cheng Chang, Hsiang-Fu Yu, Kai Zhong, Yiming Yang, Inderjit Dhillon Preprint 2019 Installation Requirements conda python=3.6 cuda=9.0 Pytorch=0.4.1 pytorch-pretrained-BERT=0.6.2 ...
YAML: AutoML text classification multilabel job YAMLCopy $schema:
- bert,word2vec,random样例在test/目录下, 注意word2vec(char or word), random-word, bert(chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12)未全部加载,需要下载 - multi_multi_class/目录下以text-cnn为例进行多标签分类实例,转化为multi-onehot标签类别,分类则取一定阀值的类 - sentence_similarity/目录下以bert为例进行两个...